Ensuring a Safe Working Environment to Minimize the Risk of Slips, Trips, and Falls

Available on Demand

Among the many challenges faced by the elderly population, slip, trips, and falls (STFs) are the leading cause of unintentional long-term injuries. Many of these can be attributed to a combination of risk factors, such as uneven floor surfaces, unsuitable floor coverings, liquid contamination and surface transitions. Minimizing the risk of these incidents is an ongoing challenge for long-term care facilities but can be achieved through a combination of engineering, administrative means and eliminating hazards.

Join this interactive forum to explore and discuss:

  • Effective risk-mitigating strategies e.g. appropriate flooring solutions
  • Preventing liquid contamination of floors
  • Compliance with NFSI industry standards


Karen McDonald, Vice President & Chief Clinical Officer, Mission Health Communities

Joseph Jasmon, CEO/Managing Partner, American Healthcare Management Group

Evan Mohr, National Sales Director, Progressive Flooring



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