Experts Share with Experts: Supporting Team Mental Health and Well-being During the New Normal and Post Covid-19

marcus evans online events
marcus evans online events
1 min readJul 27, 2020

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Getting the tools and infrastructure ready to work remotely during the global pandemic prepared companies to remain active, to continue developing new products and technologies, and to stay active with patent and trademark filings around the world. Working from home long-term, however, can pose several challenges such as adapting to the new normal, changing forms of communication, resisting distractions and keeping up motivation. A panel of seasoned executives will discuss the importance of maintaining good mental health and well being while working virtually and successfully responding to deadlines and client needs.

Speaker Panel:

Kevin S. Costanza, Managing Partner, Seed Intellectual Property Law Group

Myrtha Hurtado Rivas, Global Hear Trademarks & Domain Names, Novartis

Manny H. Schecter, Chief Patent Counsel, IBM

Hayley J. Talbert, Partner, Seed Intellectual Property Law Group



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