How to Prepare for Social Media Crises in the Age of COVID and Protests

Registration is now Open

This one-hour webinar will feature an in-depth discussion of social media crises in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as well as ongoing social justice protests. Our featured speakers will provide an overview of crisis communications and issues management for both public-sector and private-sector higher education institutions, followed by a timely discussion of potential crisis scenarios related to COVID and social justice — something that every higher education institution is facing right now. Special emphasis will be placed on scenarios with a significant social media component since so many crises emerge, erupt and/or enlarge online. A lively question and answer session will be included.


James Lentini President at Molloy College

Susan Singer Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs Rollins College

Dr. Heather Coltman Provost and Senior Vice President James Madison University



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