What I miss

Remembering Things (I had to stop somewhere)

Marcus Guilding
Marcus Guilding 


Real news headlines.

Soft drink caps that tell you if you won without a dumb code.

Weather reports with out el nino and la nina.


Red Girbaud jeans that dye everything in the wash.

Tracking control.


Driving to explore w/o MPG guilt.

Windows 3.1 (because we didn’t know any better).

Lurking on women’s only chat rooms.

Opening a new CD and listening to it all day.

Neighborhood football. Tag on the driveways, tackle on the grass.


The radio station request line (over and over).

Bicycles and pumping (and going down hill really really fast).

Skinned knees.

Getting slapped by girls.

Liking things for no reason.

Catching and often torturing small animals.

Running around with out a shirt and with out worry.

Cold city water from a hose after football.

The mall.

The dog on Duck Hunt.

Blow drying my hair.

Swimming pools.

Go carts.


BB Guns. . . .and .22's

Making out in a car.

Skipping class.

Building things (Model rockets, Legos, Go carts, Tree houses………)

Summer camp.

Sneaking out.

Playing in the street.

Climbing ….. anything and everything.

The guitar.

Street racing (and outrunning cops).

Staying up all night talking to girls until my arms cramped up.

Writing checks. Floating Checks.

Shopping in stores.

$1 coffee with refills.

Family dinner time.

Do you ever get any of it back?

