Thoughts after UX Engineering @Google

Margaryta Chepiga
Open Source Adventure
2 min readNov 14, 2018


Today I went to an UX Engineering @Google event that was hosted at University of Toronto.

You probably wondering how was the event?

It was amazing. Incredible. Mind-blowing.

Why? Why was it so amazing?

Well, for various reasons.

First, there were two amazing developers Adam Abouraya and Alex Finlayson.

I was already excited that I get to see and listen to Google Engineers.

But it gets even better.

They turn out to be much more than just two Engineers talking about UX Engineering and working in Google.

They turned out to be passionate, inspiring, honest and brave.

The thing is, I keep idolizing people in my head. Think that I’m the only one for whom all of this is so hard, takes so much time and effort. Sometimes, I get tired to the point that I want to cry and scream at the same time, cause it seems that it’s impossible to get there.

That I’m not smart enough.

That education level is more important than my eagerness to learn.

That everything I’m doing is just pointless.

Then you meet Adam & Alex who tell you that they have failed too.

They not just failed, they got to the next level, they admitted it in front of everyone.

Embraced it, learned from it and moved on.

Each of them had their own path, had their own challenges, growth, failures and successes.

When you think about it, each of us did.

The thing is, not each of us goes out their in front of hundred ( more or less ) people and admits that, laughs about it and encourages you to find your passion and what most important to follow it.

I’m sorry if my thoughts were pointless or too obvious for you. But sharing this, is one of my ways to put myself out there, where everyone can see and judge, to face my fears, maybe even fail again. Guess what?

I will embrace it ❤️

P.S. Adam and Alex, I'm really grateful that you took time and effort to do this talk and be in Toronto tonight. As I already said, it was a life changing experience.

P.S.S. I took some notes, mostly for myself, but I think they are definitely worth of sharing:

Find something that you are truly passionate about and focus on it.
Find your weak spots and work them out.

Be the change you wanna see.

Built culture yourself.

Have a spark inside of you.
What are you reading on the site?
Do the research on what fires you.
Passions fly
Following my passion let me where I am right now.

Don’t wait for perfection.
Perfection never comes.

You don’t have to solve everything in one time, when you can break problem into small pieces



Margaryta Chepiga
Open Source Adventure

Software Developer, known as overexcited girl who is passionate about technology