Top Stories published by marginalia, etc. in January of 2016

A Field Guide to Getting Lost

The one thing I have missed most over the past few weeks, as I have been healing from my herniated disc, is the ability to stroll. While previously I would spend hours a day on my feet, journeying on sidewalks and in parks, never moving in a direct line to get from A to B, but…

How To Be Happy

Last year, a smartphone application was released that could only be purchased and installed with a doctor’s prescription. The app…

So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed

There’s a term that gets bandied about a lot in conversations about social media that I find particularly grating: personal branding. The idea behind personal branding is that we need to market ourselves, to create a persona, to hide behind a crafted veneer, when we engage…


Do not read Jon Krakauer’s Missoula when you are having a good day.

Actually, strike that. A good day is precisely when you should read the book, because it will make you angry. It will make you furious, sad, despondent, and irate. It will ruin your good day — and it should. Everything…

marginalia, etc.
A collection of thoughts that pass through my head (and that I often scribble in the margins) as I read. More:
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