Borrow from Marginswap and add Liquidity on Pangolin

Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2021

Marginswap is a decentralized trading platform that currently supports

  1. Borrowing
  2. Lending
  3. Margin trading

The Avalanche and Pangolin community can now farm even more $PNG simply by borrowing assets (undercollateralized loans) from Marginswap and then supplying liquidity on Pangolin.

Marginswap currently supports AVAX, PNG, ETH, USDT, and WBTC. So before taking a loan to add liquidity and farm $PNG, it is essential to check which pools on Pangolin have the highest APY (click here).

At the point of writing, the APY on AVAX-PNG is one of the highest at 110% and by using Snowball for auto-compounding, you can get this rate as high as 200%.

Borrowing on Marginswap

Borrowing an asset on Marginswap is easy. Click on “Margin Account” on the application, deposit the crypto asset you would like to use as collateral, click on borrow and then withdraw the borrowed assets from your margin account.

Deposit, borrow, and withdraw

When deciding how much to borrow, there are two vital pieces of information to take into account that is the “Interest Rate (APR)” and “Margin Risk Level.” Please note that marginswap only lets you withdraw up to 66% of your collateral.

Borrowing crypto assets on marginswap

In the example above we deposited 1 eth (2770$), borrowed 300 $PNG + 30 $WAVAX.

What next?

After withdrawing the tokens borrowed on marginswap, all that is left to do is heading over to Pangolin to add liquidity and stake the liquidity tokens for $PNG reward. For more info on how to add liquidity on Pangolin click here.

For more information on the development of Marginswap, please join one of our community channels, website, Twitter, Medium, or Telegram.

