I Want To Start a Movement: Open Your Eyes and See the Light

Marian Baldini
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2020

For over fourteen years, I worked for a Jewish agency. As a small town girl, I grew up only knowing a few Jewish people, and I knew nothing about the faith. While working at JEVS, a coworker named Eleanor introduced me to a great book of Jewish wisdom called the Pirket Avot. The name translates to something like “the wisdom of the sages.” I read a translation written by a Jewish psychiatrist, and in the book, the author compared several lines of Jewish wisdom with all the other major religions in the world. The book opened my eyes in a new way; it was a reminder that we are different, yet we are all the same.

December 18th wrapped up the 2020 Jewish celebration of Hanukkah and the story of how faith kept the lamps burning. A month ago, Hindus paused for Diwali, a celebration of righteousness and uplifting out of spiritual darkness. This past spring, Muslims observed Ramadan for a full month, celebrated with light and raised awareness of our obligation to serve each other and be generous. This week, Christians everywhere celebrate Christmas, a story of how the birth of one child could change the world. Christmas comes with hymns about a star, the pursuit of righteousness, and a new opportunity.

As the pandemic has advanced, I found myself in need of some easy TV watching. My daughter and I just watched a newer Star Wars based series called “The Mandalorian.” It too has stories of hope, a need to find order, opportunity after a war, and a baby as well — a tiny Yoda look-alike, and for that child, someone comes to the rescue. Of course, there were also a few wishes as well, including that “the force be with you.”

All of us need hope. Everyone wants to hope that there will be better future, and we all need to believe that problems can be solved. If we put our heads together and work towards a common goal, we can make the world better. So this week, let us all look at how we are the same instead of different. In gratitude for our generous spirit, I wish you all the best as we move into 2021. Let’s open our eyes and see the light of hope. Let’s open our eyes and see the light in all…Happy Ramadan, Happy Hanukah, Happy Diwali, Merry Christmas. May hope and happiness shine on you.



Marian Baldini

Ms. Baldini is the CEO of KenCrest, a human services agency that provides services to children and the intellectually and developmentally disabled community.