Fashion as a Force for Change

Marianne Caroline Hughes
Marianne Caroline
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2014

Every single one of us in this world, including you, makes one decision every single day. When we must decide: what shall I wear?

From clothing being a basic necessity, to fashion capturing all of us as creative beings; the power of fashion has a huge potential to allow every single individual to practice putting their images and visions for change into action, through what they chose to wear in daily life and the image reflected. A force for change is especially needed now, with sustainability and ethical issues wanting more urgent action and awareness in daily life. We are constantly being told and wanting to implement sustainable changes into our lives, but how best to easily and enjoyably do this?

I see fashion as a force for change in a world that is searching for ways to engage the masses in putting sustainability and ethics into the forefront of daily life.

Fashion is a beautiful phenomenon which is sadly inhibited by it’s sustainability and ethical issues, which are gaining increasing media attention. Fashion is not the only area to be suffering from these criticisms, yet fashion has an influence on us as communities and as a form of communication. This is a special and fun ability to engage and influence the masses, to capture our imagination and allow us to communicate our own beliefs through our image. Fashion is a force for change.

We live in a connected world more than ever, where fashion relies on a global audience and supply chain. More than this, fashion has always connected and identified groups, cultures and followers since the beginnings of civilisation. Now, more than ever, the world needs fashion. We need fashion to act as a force for change as the urgency of tackling poor ethical practices and building the awareness of climate change and sustainability is needed more than ever.

By making fashion sustainable and ethical we can set a new standard for change in other industries and areas of the world.

I want to learn more about where my clothing truly comes from, to reconnect with what my clothing brings to my life, the lives of others and our world.

I was a self confessed ‘fast fashion addict’, buying the latest trends cheaply made me feel good and confident in my own body. We all deserve to feel good in what we wear. But I began to feel guilty about what I was wearing when I discovered more about the shocking reality of what goes in to making my clothing.

I believe we should not be made to feel guilty about how what we put on our bodies.

Next time I decide ‘What shall I wear’ I want to feel amazing.

So ethical and sustainable fashion is simply something I must help work towards, and I hope this blog will explore some of my ideas.

Next time you decide ‘What shall I wear’, How do you want to feel?

