Lab Reports NO Pesticides or Vitamin E In Legit, Licensed Vape Products

Foster Winans
Marijuana Wire by Foster Winans
1 min readOct 6, 2019


* CannaSafe, a leading cannabis testing lab, says it recently analyzed 104 vape cartridges bought from licensed sources and found them all clean.

* Cannasafe also tested a dozen bootleg carts. The lab says it found Vitamin E Acetate, a possible contaminant, in 40% and pesticides in 100%. ALL contained myclobutanil, a fungicide that produces cyanide when heated above 400 degrees fahrenheit.

A popular legit vape brand on the left, and a counterfeit product on the right. Read or download the full report here.



Foster Winans
Marijuana Wire by Foster Winans

Former Wall Street Journal columnist; ghostwriter of nonfiction books on business, finance, ethics, medicine, and history.