
Book Cover Redesign

Faith Kaufman
Marilyn Meltzer Prize Award Grant
3 min readAug 24, 2016


Beginning Research

Visual Language Notes/Ideas While Reading

  • happen to normal people
  • hallucinatory visual world
  • mind altering experiences
  • psychedelic 1970s
  • a wandering mind
  • apparitions
  • hallucinations, misperceptions, illusions
  • hallucinations mimic perception (projections into external world)
  • conjured out of thin air
  • imaging the brain… monitoring electrical and metabolic activities while person hallucinates
  • rise to art, folklore, religion
  • “organic” psychoses” —, delirium, epilepsy, drug use, medical conditions
  • opened eyes — seeing — pg 4
  • Charles Bonnet Syndrome
  • sensationalism — pg 5
  • entire visual scenes
  • man becoming multiple identical versions of self — pg 18
  • hand passing through something solid — pg 21
  • visions of patterns (think psychedelic) — pg 21 — tiles
  • repetition and multiplication — pg 22
  • people dressed the same
  • cartoon-like
  • phosphenes — blobs or clouds of brightness or color
  • text hallucinations — pg 23 — become unreadable
  • unlike imagination // like perceptions, so it feels real
  • seeing patterning all over things **
  • unusual vividness, bright colors, considerable detail — pg 37
  • sensory deprivation tanks cause hallucinations
  • brilliance and colors — pg 39
  • “resplendent peacock feathers and buildings” — pg 39
  • hallucinatory smells — pg 45
  • distortions
  • “amalgram of smells” — and colors — pg 50
  • madness or serenity
  • “inanimate objects will speak” — pg 56 (sounds very Chip Kidd) — examples: lemonade, glass of milk, the furniture
  • musical hallucinations
  • illusions, delusions
  • “he saw ‘letters, like teletype’ on my lips” — pg 77
  • cat in house — pg 77
  • “out of context” — the sign a hallucination is not real
  • the brain, neurology (think medical drawings like current color)
  • patients
  • pic coming to life — pg 87
  • “altered states” and mystagogic powers of intoxicants — pg 91
  • transformed body
  • visions of stars and colors — pg 99- heavens dissolving into overpowering array of colors
  • room changing sizes — warping — pg 99
  • patterns
  • like synesthesia
  • leaving body and hovering — pg 107
  • light in tunnel
  • experience of color is heightened **
  • distended or compressed time
  • looking at hand and seeing change — 106 ** (how people know that they are hallucinating)
  • ^the hand becomes cosmic, stretching across the universe
  • “true indigo” seen during hallucination **** — pg 110
  • hallucinations are “a realm outside of time” — pg 112
  • coffee turning green and purple — pg 116
  • wave passing through brain — pg 123
  • black and white zig zags — pg 125
  • auras from migraines — pg 127
  • things multiplying
  • “human obsession with patterns” — pg 131
  • kitchen floor tilesvisual neurons — pg 132
  • hallucinations are hugely related to vision
  • “a vision’ role in religion — pg 166
  • “afterimage”
  • trick carnival mirror to evoke feeling of hallucination on cover?
  • delirium
  • dreams with extremely brilliant colors — pg 191
  • hallucinatory voices and delusions
  • quote on pg 199*****
  • “kaleidoscopic change of pattern and forms” pg 204
  • cut glass — pg 202
  • sleep as cause — hypnagogic visions
  • mist — pg 205
  • sensory
  • “most fantastical and surreal experiences are in our dreams”
  • things coming to life
  • “out of body experience” — pg 225
  • “compulsive returns to a past experience — pg 229
  • a “private theater” in brain — pg 242
  • magical, spiritual,
  • staring at ceiling — pg 252***
  • ^became swarming pixels which would become patterns, waves, grids, paisley patterns *****
  • floating, levitation, leaving body, flying through space — pg 255

