How Mario Kart compares to other games

Thomas Wiley
Mario Kart
Published in
5 min readMar 8, 2019

Mario Kart. Just hearing the name of this game changing title incites the feeling of being a kid again. This is something no other title can do, no matter what platform it is on, nothing else ever created can come close to the greatness surrounding the game of Mario Kart. Whether it be mediocre titles like Crash Team Racing or sub-par titles like Need for Speed, none of these can compare to the Alpha male game of Mario Kart. As a reference I will be using Mario Kart for the Wii, released in the year of our Lord, 2008. I will be judging these games based off of character choice, car choice, overall gameplay, and graphics. As Mario Kart has all of these attributes down to a tee, it will be relatively easy to compare.

Need for Speed: Even with the help of the titan known as Xbox, Need for Speed comes nowhere close to the quality Mario Kart has to offer. With the lack of an actual character to create or even choose, it gives a feeling of lifelessness to the game that comes nowhere close to Mario Kart. The open world of Need for Speed is completely dwarfed by the power choice Mario Kart gives you when it comes to choosing courses. As it might seem like open world gameplay gives you something new every time, this is false, as open world games are much smaller than they appear, which teases the player due to them thinking they can find more than the garage throughout the “world.” It might come off as a game above average, but it will never even come close to Mario Kart.

Cars (video game): Based off the “award winning” Disney movie of the same name, this video game is an absolute embarrassment to the “Cars” name and Disney brand itself. Unlike Mario Kart, a game with graphics created by a literal god, Cars looks like a toddler designed it. As another open world game, it doesn’t have much to offer, as the character choice is extremely limited and the open world part itself is inferior to even Need for Speed, which is hard to top. It is as a matter of fact extremely hard to even compare this game to Mario Kart, just because it is so terrible compared to Mario Kart.

Crash Team Racing: Crash Team Racing is probably one of the absolute worst racing game’s to ever plague the Sony company of New York. Originally I was planning on trying to compare this game to Mario Kart, but after seeing this game first hand, I’m proud to say that this game alone is the worst racing video game I have ever played. After playing Crash Team Racing on a Play Station 1, I had to go seek out a therapist to treat the PTSD I received from racing “Tiger Templeedit.” The fact that it only took one course for me to be utterly disgusted shows how bad this game really is. After suffering this god awful game ,I wasn’t emotionally ready to play anymore games from the Crash Bandicoot series. The game is an absolute disgrace and comes nowhere near to the greatness of Mario Kart.

Daytona USA: Moving on from console games to arcade games, Daytona USA is the closest any arcade game has come to competing with any given console game. That being said, it is still complete and utter failure of a game. Arcade games were meant for arcades, not high end consoles and systems. Sadly, there’s a reason this game only needs twenty five cents to play. When comparing this game to Mario Kart, there is no way these two games should even be near each other, as Mario Kart might catch the straight awkwardness irradiating off the 8-bit screen this game requires to function.

Team Sonic Racing: Sonic Racing, also known as the red headed step child of all Nintendo games. The only good Sonic games is one where there are no vehicles, as Nintendo already has an extremely successful game in the form of… wait for it… Mario Kart. The only reason Team Sonic Racing was created was so that Nintendo could cash in off of the hype of the blue hedgehog in the early two thousands. This turned out being a terrible idea, as Sonic could already run fast, which was the point of the Sonic games, so putting him in a car made him slower if anything and made Nintendo look extremely ignorant. To this day you can still hear the weeping employees that got laid off in the ensuing chaos that came out of this game. Team Sonic Racing only scratches the list of games to compare just because the game itself was made by the same company that blessed us with Mario Kart. All in all, just stick to the original when looking for good racing games by Nintendo.

Project CARS: Rated 7 on IGN, rated 0 in comparison. That is all.

Forza 2: Known as the beginning of the end by some, this game kickstarted the joke of a series known as Forza. With spinoffs such as Forza 4 or Forza Motorsport 5, someone should’ve put down the sick man of gaming while it was still new onto the scene. Now that we’ve left it to uproot itself, it has become a parasite on the racing community, barfing out terrible games every year that put a sour taste in many people unlucky enough to play this game. The open world can be completely discovered in the course of about a half hour. Compared to Mario Karts almost endless courses, this is laughable to say the least. As usual, there is no character selection, as you can only change cars that are out at the moment, which limits your decisions based off of what real car companies want you to drive. There is none of this in Mario Kart, as they aren’t confined by any big name automobile company.

