Simple 360 degree People Evaluation tool for a Startup

Mario Montag
Mario’s Random Thoughts
3 min readFeb 23, 2020

While running Predikto, we were struggling with team alignment and ensuring everyone had the right skills and was in the right seat. We had about 20 people on the team and we lacked a systematic way (and data) behind people performance. I had worked at PwC, IBM, McKinsey and Hitachi where formal annual performance evaluation systems and processes had been implemented, but everyone at the big companies hated that cumbersome annual approach. We needed something more nimble for our startup and on a cadence that was more regular.

After reading the book Traction: Get a Grip on your Business by Gino Wickman, we implemented a 360 degree rating system as part of Gino’s Entrepreneur Operating System (EOS) methodology called People Analyzer.

I created the survey myself using Survey Monkey.

Every employee would rate each other on a quarterly basis on two areas:

1. Company Values

We would run our quarterly 360 degree evaluation on how people are living our values. Evaluating people on the Predikto startup Core Values helped define behavioral attributes and operating principles. The Values scoring options for each person are:

  • + Displays the values quality most of the time
  • +/ — Sometimes displays the values quality and sometimes not
  • — Does not display the quality most of the time
  • N/A: If you do not interact much with this person and can’t really rate them.

Our values before the acquisition by UTC in 2018 were:

  • People first
  • Focus on Impact
  • Move Fast
  • Be Bold
  • Be Open
  • Have Fun
  • Act with Integrity

2. Are they in the right seat

The second category of the People Analyzer were 3 simple questions that we would ask everyone to rate each other. These last 3 questions were scored as YES or NO. If anyone received a NO by anyone else, it would automatically turn into a conversation with me to see where that was coming from and peel the onion a few layers to get to the bottom of a potential risk or issue.

  • Does he/she get it
  • Does he/she want it
  • Does he/she have the capacity to do it

To learn more about EOS and the People Analyzer, go here.

Using a tool like the People Analyzer from EOS and setting a bar isn’t just useful when evaluating employees, but it also helps management teams develop an understanding of what is acceptable and what it not within the organization. When managers have a clear understanding of these expectations, they are best prepared to hold not only themselves, but also their people accountable to the values of the organization.

I was able to turn the results from Survey Monkey into numbers to have a quantitative way of evaluating and scoring people. I could see trends. I could compare team scores to other teams to see if a lead was the issue.

I highly recommend implementing something as simple as the EOS Operating System.



Mario Montag
Mario’s Random Thoughts

Technologist focused on the human side of the equation. I help Entrepreneurs accelerate their journey. Immigrant. Storyteller. Recovering CEO. Investor. Coach.