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Welcoming New Writers, and a New Prompt to Start off 2019

Let’s start the New Year with enthusiasm.

Tesia Blake
Mariposa Magazine
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2019


Mariposa Magazine started as a personal project, but one that was always meant to grow and reach as many people as possible. I’m excited to see how much this little project has expanded in only two and a half months.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our amazing collaborators: , , , , and . Your great stories and your unique voices are what propels Mariposa forward as a vehicle for change.

This month we’re also welcoming to our group , and . We’re all looking forward to reading your stories.

And to kick off 2019, I’d like to propose a new writing prompt for January: in what way are you making 2019 different?

I don’t mean what are your new year’s resolutions, what sort of diet or exercise program you’re gonna be on this year, or how many books you plan to read.

I mean what’s going to be truly different for you this year? Are you starting a new job or looking for one? Are you moving cities, or traveling around the world? Are you having a baby, or are you making changes on how you raise the children you already have?

What are the proactive, practical actions you’re taking to make 2019 stand out? What are you doing to avoid reaching the end of the year feeling like you just wasted another 365 days of your life?

Tell us all about it.

And if you’re not sure how to do it, you can always check our submission guidelines:

Happy 2019, everyone! And happy writing!



Tesia Blake
Mariposa Magazine

Names have been changed to protect both the innocent and the guilty.