What a Difference a Year Makes

I spent last Christmas with my husband.

Tesia Blake
Mariposa Magazine
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2018


He’s now my ex-husband, and we haven’t spoken in months.

In the span of a year, I not only got divorced, but moved cities, changed careers, and started a new relationship. I lost almost 6 lbs of fat. I can now run a 5K in 28'30" instead of in 30'. I do yoga and I have abs. Me. If you knew me, you’d understand how much of a big deal that is.

I’ve been writing now more than ever, with 60 articles published on Medium in 3 months, a few of which have achieved over one thousand views each.

My life has changed so much this year. I even started this publication to celebrate exactly that: change.

And now I want to invite you to stop and take a minute to notice what has changed in your life this past year.

It’s easy to underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. When New Year’s Eve comes around, we fall into temptation to list everything that we didn’t accomplish. All of those past New Year’s resolutions we failed to keep up with.

We forget to look at what we did accomplish. We forget to notice how much our lives have changed, how much we have changed, even when it seems like we’ve stayed the same.

You might have stayed in your marriage, in your city, working the same job. It doesn’t matter. This New Year’s Eve, I’d like to invite you to stop and look at what has changed. Take a look at how your life looked like exactly a year ago. Make a list if you have to.

What you find my surprise you. Let it.



Tesia Blake
Mariposa Magazine

Names have been changed to protect both the innocent and the guilty.