Seafarer certification system based on Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.

Poonam Bhardwaj
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2019

Seafarer certification system based on Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.

Maritime Industry is witnessing the pivotal transitioning period where in according to the surveys, there are companies initiating the project aiming to streamline the current processes that can be slowed down by a lack of verification for safety documentation, paper-based certificate management, and a lack of access to validated safety and training certifications.

These impediments make noteworthy hindering issues for crew management agencies, ship operators, and port authorities when insuring their crew. This has been a key concern for shipping companies for decades.

The integration of blockchain into the maritime supply chain / crew management in recent times is bringing pivotal solutions in order to streamline the entire process to its most efficient, secured and authenticated data in the field of fleet management and certification of the seafarers. The amalgamation of the blockchain and Artificial Intelligence can focus on the end-to-end demonstration of a digital certification and endorsement process, utilising a digital repository for verified crew documentation, training logs and an approval system.

Upon validation and scaling, the final solution would enable individual seafarers to manage their certificate repository from original issuance, as well as allowing maritime administrations to manage the renewal and endorsement across jurisdictions.

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Blockchain is fundamentally an intensive technology which can connect the dots for building a bridge that represents everyone in the value chain, from vessel owners to the seafarers themselves.

Bringing in line together, the distributed digital ledger, tamperproof timestamping of data and documentation, and the peer-to-peer verification network enable a globally available and locally accessibility of verified and validated documentation.

Blockchain has the potential to remarkably improve the transparency, authenticity, smoother and faster operations with crew certification for the ship owners and most prominently for the crew themselves.

Building and maintaining an intuitive and user-friendly platform for the management of crew certification will bring hugely significant benefits to all stakeholders.

Shipfinex is one such venture which is dedicatedly investing in this specific technological advancement in order to bring the significant change.

Please visit us on : for more details.

