Customized Water for Industry

Robert C. Brears
Mark and Focus
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2018


With water quality and quantity under pressure, water utilities are beginning to offer reliable supplies of industrial water for a variety of uses. One such utility is Evides in the Netherlands.

By Robert C. Brears*

Industrial producers are major users of water and most likely every manufactured product uses water during some part of the production process. In Europe, industry is one of the main users of water, accounting for around 40% of total water abstractions.

With industry requiring more efficient production processes, improving their energy infrastructure, and introducing energy-saving measures, Evides, a water utility that provides drinking water to 2.5 million consumers and businesses in three Dutch provinces of Zeeland, the south-western part of Zuid-Holland, and the south-western part of Noord-Brabant, offers industrial water, or ‘process water’ that is customized for specific requirements and preferences of each customer. In 2017 alone, the utility provided 96.9 million cubic meters of industrial water and 158.7 million cubic meters of drinking water through more than 14,000 kilometers of pipeline network.

Evides Industriewater focuses on providing process water to the chemical industry, petrochemicals, and food industry with an overall emphasis on tailoring water to the needs of customers. The utility delivers different process water on the basis of a Design, Build, Finance, and Operate (DBFO) contract, which involves Evides Industriewater, on behalf of its customers, purifying water and reusing water. Some of the main industrial water products Evides Industriewater offers to customers includes agricultural and irrigation water, cooling water, industrial water, and demineralized water. Demand has now resulted in Evides Industriewater providing solutions to 75 installations, including 12 DBFO plants as well as mobile installations in the Benelux and Germany.

The take-out

Water utilities of the future will not offer one-size-fits-all products to customers, instead, they will offer tailored solutions.

*Robert C. Brears is the author of Urban Water Security (Wiley), The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus (Palgrave Macmillan), Natural Resource Management and the Circular Economy (Palgrave Macmillan), Blue and Green Cities: The Role of Blue-Green Infrastructure in Managing Urban Water Resources (Palgrave Macmillan), and Climate Resilient Water Resources Management (Palgrave Macmillan). He is Founder of Our Future Water, Mitidaption, and Mark and Focus.

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Robert C. Brears
Mark and Focus

Robert is the author of Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Founder of Our Future Water and Mark and Focus