Embracing Urban Nature-Based Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Robert C. Brears
Mark and Focus
Published in
5 min read5 days ago


Urban nature-based solutions (NBS) apply nature’s power to address urban challenges, fostering sustainable and resilient cities. This article delves into various NBS, their benefits, and implementation. Read how Melbourne, Australia, has successfully implemented NBS to transform its urban landscape, illustrating the potential for creating greener, healthier, and more vibrant urban environments.

By Robert C. Brears

Green Infrastructure

Green infrastructure includes natural and semi-natural elements in urban areas, such as parks, gardens, green roofs, and street trees. These elements provide ecosystem services like stormwater management, air purification, carbon sequestration, and habitat creation. Urban parks and gardens offer recreational and mental health benefits, reduce the urban heat island effect, and improve air quality. Green roofs and walls absorb rainwater, reduce energy consumption, and increase biodiversity. Street trees and bioswales enhance aesthetics, filter air pollutants, and manage stormwater.

Restoring Urban Waterways

Urban waterways, including rivers, streams, and wetlands, are vital components of the urban ecosystem. Many of these water bodies have been degraded due to pollution, channelization, and loss of riparian vegetation. Restoring urban waterways through actions such as re-naturalization, vegetation planting, and pollution control can improve water quality, support biodiversity, and create recreational opportunities for urban residents.

Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture

Urban agriculture and community gardens contribute to food security, social cohesion, and urban greening. These initiatives encourage local food production, reduce food miles, and provide opportunities for residents to connect with nature and each other. Community gardens can transform vacant lots and other underutilized spaces into vibrant, green areas that enhance neighborhood aesthetics and promote a sense of community.

Urban Forests

Urban forests, composed of trees and vegetation in urban areas, provide essential ecosystem services and enhance urban living conditions. They mitigate climate change effects, improve air quality by filtering pollutants, manage stormwater through rainfall interception and soil infiltration, and create habitats for various species. Additionally, urban forests offer recreational opportunities and enhance the visual appeal of urban areas, contributing to residents’ mental and physical well-being.

Nature-Inclusive Design

Nature-inclusive design is an approach to urban planning and architecture that integrates nature into the built environment. This includes the incorporation of green roofs, living walls, bird- and bat-friendly features, and habitat corridors that allow species to move freely through urban areas. By promoting biodiversity and ecosystem services, nature-inclusive design contributes to healthier, more sustainable cities.

Case Study: The Urban Forest Strategy in Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, the coastal capital of the Australian state of Victoria, offers a compelling case of how urban nature-based solutions can create a greener, healthier, and more resilient city. In response to the challenges of climate change, urbanization, and biodiversity loss, the City of Melbourne implemented the Urban Forest Strategy in 2012.

The Urban Forest Strategy aims to increase the city’s tree canopy cover from 22% to 40% by 2040. The strategy outlines various actions to achieve this goal, including:

  • Diversifying Tree Species: By planting a wide range of tree species, Melbourne aims to create a more resilient urban forest capable of withstanding the impacts of climate change and pests. The strategy targets a mix where no more than 5% of the tree population consists of a single species, ensuring that the urban forest is less susceptible to widespread damage.
  • Tree Planting and Maintenance: The City of Melbourne has committed to planting over 3,000 trees annually to increase canopy cover and replace aging trees. Additionally, the city invests in the ongoing maintenance of its urban forest, including pruning, watering, and monitoring tree health.
  • Community Engagement: The Urban Forest Strategy emphasizes the importance of engaging the community in tree planting and care. Residents can adopt a tree, contribute to the city’s tree inventory, and participate in local tree planting events.
  • Greening Laneways: Melbourne’s iconic laneways are being transformed into green corridors by incorporating vertical gardens, green walls, and street trees. This initiative not only improves the aesthetics of these urban spaces but also contributes to the overall urban greening goals.
  • Urban Forest Fund: The City of Melbourne established the Urban Forest Fund, a financial mechanism designed to support greening projects across the city. This fund provides financial assistance to community groups, businesses, and individuals looking to implement greening projects, such as tree planting or green roof installations.

The Take-Out

Embracing urban NBS paves the way for sustainable, resilient, and vibrant cities, benefiting both people and the environment.

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Robert C. Brears
Mark and Focus

Robert is the author of Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Founder of Our Future Water and Mark and Focus