Urban Farming and Water: Innovations for Sustainable Agriculture

Robert C. Brears
Mark and Focus
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2023


As cities continue to expand, the demand for sustainable food sources rises. Urban farming has emerged as a viable solution, supplying fresh, locally-grown produce within urban environments. Yet, with water scarcity becoming a pressing concern, urban farming must evolve to reduce water consumption. Read how Bustanica, the world’s premier vertical farm in Dubai, leads the way.

By Robert C. Brears

Water scarcity presents a significant obstacle for urban farming, as traditional agricultural methods demand substantial water resources, which can be challenging to obtain in regions with limited water availability. Furthermore, the continuous overuse of water resources can contribute to long-term water scarcity and deteriorating water quality. Therefore, urban farmers are adopting inventive solutions to minimise water usage to combat this challenge.

Innovative Strategies for Water-Efficient Urban Farming

Hydroponic and aeroponic systems represent one of the most promising water-efficient approaches to urban agriculture. These systems consume considerably less water than conventional farming methods, as plants are cultivated in nutrient-rich water rather than soil. Hydroponic systems can reduce water usage by up to 90% while requiring fewer pesticides and herbicides, resulting in a healthier and more sustainable food source.

Another strategy involves rainwater harvesting systems, which enable urban farmers to collect and store rainwater for irrigation purposes, reducing dependence on municipal water resources. Additionally, rainwater harvesting can decrease stormwater runoff and mitigate urban flooding risks.

Wastewater recycling offers a further innovative solution by collecting and treating wastewater for irrigation. While not feasible for every urban farm, this approach can be viable in areas with access to wastewater treatment facilities.

Incorporating green roofs and walls into urban farming systems can enhance water efficiency while providing multiple benefits to urban communities. For example, green roofs and walls reduce urban heat islands, improve air quality, and absorb stormwater, thus promoting more sustainable and efficient water usage in agriculture.

Bustanica: An Exceptional Facility

Bustanica, the world’s premier vertical farm in Dubai, utilises hydroponic technology to cultivate many leafy greens. This state-of-the-art facility spans 330,000 square feet and is dedicated to generating over 1,000,000 kilograms of premium leafy greens per year, all while reducing water consumption by 95% compared to traditional agriculture.

The farm harnesses sophisticated technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, and is managed by a highly proficient team of agronomy specialists, engineers, horticulturists, and plant scientists. Bustanica’s continuous production cycle guarantees that the greens are consistently fresh, pesticide-free, and devoid of harmful chemicals.

Moreover, Bustanica’s closed-loop system promotes efficient water use by recirculating it through the plants. As the water evaporates, the system captures and recycles the vapour, conserving an astounding 250 million litres of water annually compared to conventional outdoor farming practices.

Bustanica’s leading approach significantly benefits the world’s endangered soil resources, as it has zero impact on soil quality. Furthermore, the farm’s year-round harvests remain unaffected by adverse weather conditions or pests, ensuring a dependable supply of fresh, uncontaminated greens for consumers. These greens are packaged in such a way that eliminates the need for washing, as doing so could damage the leaves and introduce contaminants.

In summary, Bustanica represents a world-class facility that combines advanced technology, a highly-skilled workforce, and a sustainable closed-loop system to yield top-quality greens that are consistently fresh, chemical-free, and produced with a fraction of the water required by conventional farming methods.

The Take-Out

Innovative, water-efficient urban farming nourishes expanding cities and fosters a sustainable future.

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Robert C. Brears
Mark and Focus

Robert is the author of Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Founder of Our Future Water and Mark and Focus