Medium’s new logo — what a strange looking thing it is

Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2020

By now you probably have noticed, that something is different on this site: Medium is rebranding and has given itself a new logo.

We might need to get accustomed to it for a while. Honestly it was not the most pleasant surprise when I saw it first. I was shocked and thought something was broken in my browser. I have seen glitches and misrenderings in the past, so it could have happened here.

But no, that’s what it is. Their shiny new symbol part of their brand.

Since I looked also behind the curtain, I took a stab at optimizing their SVG source code for the icon even further.

I love vector graphics. I love SVG. And I love a good session of byte squeezing.

Let me tell you, a whole saving of 58 % was possible! Yes, more than half of the bytes are gone. And it took me only a few minutes to do so. So here’s my application:

Medium, you should hire me as your new
Chief Of Vector Graphic Optimization! 😉

Seriously, even if I liked the new logo, I would still have been disappointed by the poor treatment of the code. Medium is a big company, got some money, have quite skilled people working there … but nobody with some love and passion for vector graphics on the technical level? Ah, right, I forgot, it is more about the writing than the visual stuff. My bad.

Anyway, what do you think about that new branding? What was your first reaction when you saw that logo?

