Avoid Social Babbling

Travis Carson
Market Force
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2019

Is everyone babbling too much?

Wired.com shared a story about the proliferation of social media. It’s undeniable. And it’s also valuable. We at Market Force have been using it quite a bit lately to share what we think is helpful content, principles of our teachings and to simply keep our students and partners engaged. (By the way, any feedback you have for us in that arena would be welcomed.)

The Wired piece got us to thinking. Are we remembering the point of communicating when we use social media? That is, are we using it to coordinate action? With so many new methods by which to make requests and promises, can we ensure we’re working toward prosperity with every tweet and post? I’m not so sure, but we’re certainly trying. But maybe we don’t have to, either. It’s up for debate I suppose.

There is certainly value to keeping your constituents engaged in your business. Care has to be taken, as Seth Godin mentioned in a post last week, to not create too much “noise.” We can’t be social media “babblers,” disseminating every minor action of the day. If we can avoid the babble, we stand a better chance of staying on message with performative language and with our Intention intact.


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Travis Carson
Market Force

Founder of Market Force, a revolutionary business execution and performance system. Business Coach. Triathlete. Ironman. Dad of 4. www.marketforceglobal.com