How Each Style Would Approach Blogging

Tony Cooper
Market Force
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2017

How do YOU approach blogging? With open arms, ready to get your voice out? Or do you resist it and hope it just goes away?

As the Market Force team embarks upon our journey of bringing blogs to our community, it seemed an appropriate first entry to consider how each Style would approach the task of blogging itself. In other words, what is it about blogging that would enthrall or potentially trigger each of the Styles?


Before Controls would even be able to begin blogging, they would have to know why we are even blogging in the first place. Just because other people and businesses do it doesn’t mean that it would make sense for us. Controls would need to know that there is a plan for how the blogging would support our overall marketing and business intentions as well as our strategies. Because, if we are just going to approach it half-assed, we shouldn’t do it all. Once Controls decide that blogging is a good idea however, writing the posts themselves would be a thrill for them because who wouldn’t want to read all about their brilliant ideas? Their posts will typically be pithy, high-level, heavy on opinion and light on supporting evidence.


Influences are perfect to lead the blogging charge for an organization as they get excited about using it as a way to better leverage their time to connect with more and more people. The possibility that we are able to spread ideas, share fascinating experiences, and promote our partnerships much more effectively and widely through social media is absolutely enthralling to them. They will usually be the first to jump in to contribute a bunch of ideas, and even write up a few creative posts — high on entertainment value low on proper sentence structure — before the tedious task of constant blog submissions begins to take a toll and their interest begins to wane.


Powers can bring a lot of enthusiasm to a blogging project, energized to build a productive team around the idea. Their ideal involvement would be building a large list of topics and story ideas for the blog, then organizing them by category and prioritizing them into a schedule for the team to follow, adding in all the detail that the Controls and Influences would have completely missed. Once the activity plan is in place and the steady process of generating and publishing blogs begins flowing, Powers will feel a tremendous amount of satisfaction. Posts from Powers will be deliberate, follow logical themes, and include lots of different contributors.


Authorities of course would begin a blogging project by researching all the pros and cons associated with blogging. Their research would cover the history of blogging as well as the latest trends and technical delivery systems in order to establish a set of best practices for everyone to follow. There would also likely be a cost-benefit assessment, justifying the activity’s ability to support our company’s bottom line. In contrast to Controls who would cover a subject in a single, contextual blog post, Authorities would generate a well-researched, data-laden, 12-part series, each with 1200 words.

In the end, all Styles will be motivated to blog for different reasons, the same way we all bring unique perspectives to the work environment. As we embark on our blogging journey, we intend to bring all these perspectives to the foreground to forward our intention of eliminating suffering, stress and wasted time in business by increasing effectiveness through more successful communication. Game on!

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Tony Cooper
Market Force

Tony instigates breakthrough performance for businesses through his fascination of playing the “game behind the game”. He brings out the best in business leader