#MeetTheTeam Monday

Ela Obrebowska
Market One Capital Corner
2 min readDec 4, 2023

Kamil Węgliński has an academic background in Finance and Accounting with a particular focus on corporate finance, which he studied at SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the University of Warsaw. During his studies, he spent a semester in Germany studying at Uni Bamberg. Before joining MOC, he gained experience in the M&A space at PwC and at the fund accounting department of BNP Paribas.

Kamil, hi! You are one of the new faces in Market One Capital. Please tell us first what your role at MOC is.

Yes, I joined MOC as an Analyst in May. My responsibilities include deal sourcing, initial meetings with the founders, market research, and supporting the ongoing investment processes.

It sounds like you are not boring at work, but talking about the investment process — which stage of the investment process do you like the most?

The initial meeting can be unexpectedly eye-opening, offering fresh perspectives on the market. However, I find the subsequent stages, like follow-up meetings and committee preparations, more valuable. During these moments, I get to delve deep into understanding the business and the talents driving it. Hence, I prefer the later stages for their learning depth.

It looks like you like learning new things. Does this also apply to non-work activities?

I am totally hooked on photography as a practitioner and an enthusiast. Recently, I marked a significant milestone by opening my first exhibition, an experience that deeply resonated with me. In my professional role, understanding the creator first person POV proved to be invaluable when talking to product/design-oriented founders.

Do you have any other passions apart from photography?

From my early school years to high school, swimming was my passion, dedicating over 10 hours weekly to competitions and championships. Now, my swimming sessions are a way to unwind and engage in active meditation. On the flip side, what I appreciate about sports is the opportunity to push my limits. Recently, delving into Muay Thai has revealed new heights of exhaustion I never thought possible.

Coming back to work, VC is said to be a people’s business. What kind of people do you like to surround yourself with most at work?

I love working with passionate individuals who communicate clearly. Their drive fuels daily action, while effective communication ensures seamless cooperation. It’s a winning combination that makes collaboration both enjoyable and efficient.

Last, but not least — what is the most important advice you have ever heard?

Focusing on the process, not just the end goal has greatly impacted my approach to work, hobbies, and personal life. This perspective shift emphasises the importance of the journey itself, a principle that has significantly enriched my experiences.

