#MeetTheTeam Monday

Ela Obrebowska
Market One Capital Corner
2 min readMay 6, 2024

Maks de Doliwa Zieliński graduated from Erasmus University Rotterdam and Maastricht University. He honed his skills in financial controlling at Henkel as well as at a VC based in Amsterdam. At MOC, he’s responsible for identifying and evaluating new investment opportunities and supporting MOC at every stage of the investment process. Maks enjoys learning about old industries that are ripe for disruption, infrastructure ways of ‘making the world go round’ and unique business models that challenge our way of thinking. Privately food aficionado (ask at your own risk), an avid participant in most sports and a jazz enthusiast.

What type of people do you like to surround yourself with?

I was drawn to venture capital largely because of the people. I firmly believe that surrounding yourself with smarter and more motivated individuals is the best way to grow. Whether it’s the founders we support or my colleagues, their drive and intelligence energize me every day. It’s the interaction with such dynamic people that transforms a good day into a great one, despite occasionally (or not occasionally) navigating strong personalities.

And when it comes to working in VC, which stage of the investment process do you like the most?

I really enjoy the initial conversations with entrepreneurs; it’s thrilling when someone unexpectedly impresses you. However, what captivates me even more is conducting market research. Diving into an industry, even one I’m somewhat familiar with, and discovering its complexities is incredibly satisfying. I also thoroughly enjoy mapping relationships, key players, and business models.

Why did you choose this particular career path?

I believe my greatest strength is my curiosity. I strive to learn something new every day and take away meaningful lessons. This innate curiosity has not only led me to my current career but also often sets me apart from others.

Is there any book that made a huge impression on you?

Since I can remember, I have been a generalist interested in so many things more than finding only one niche I focused on, which is why ‘Range’ by David Epstein had such an impact on me. This brilliant book explores the significance of generalists across various disciplines. It’s a must-read for investors who, like myself, often need to juggle diverse topics. It is also a great exploration of the nature of innovation beyond the usually discussed routes.

As we wrap up, what physical activity do you enjoy the most?

I’ve participated in many sports since my youth, and they often meet a few criteria: they either involve a competitive aspect and are done in pairs, like squash or Brazilian jiu-jitsu, or allow for solitary reflection, such as running, climbing, or cycling. Depending on the season and my mood, I alternate between these types.

