Write for Market Research Insights

Yaryna Myrka
Market Research Insights
2 min readMar 3, 2020

Market Research Insights has a mission to create a professional community and unite research and insights specialists as well as marketing experts to share wisdom on how to improve the quality of market research and make it have more impact on business outcomes.

We are committed to publishing fantastic market research and customer insight content on a regular basis and invite community members to contribute to the publication.

We are looking for:

  • Original articles as well as previously published yet valuable and relevant content on one of the preferred topics
  • Case studies telling how the company leveraged market research to drive outstanding business results
  • Market research software reviews
  • Insights into doing market research for a specific industry or niche
  • Tips and hacks for dealing with a specific research methodology or engaging the sample
  • Trends and opportunities market research agencies should grasp
  • Marketing campaign ideas informed by recent customer research data

Content Guidelines

  • Articles should present a fresh insight into the covered topic and should be specific and professional
  • Articles should be at least 800-word long to be able to develop the topic
  • Content should deliver a great reading experience; for that matter, please write with short sentences and paragraphs, include bullet points and numbered lists, and break up the content with multiple h2 and h3 subheadings
  • Include a cover image (royalty-free images or the ones you have the rights to with the indication of an author and a source) and other media: images, relevant screenshots, embedded YouTube videos, gifs, etc.

Promotion Notice

  • Blatant self-promotion is not acceptable. However, you add contextual links where they add value to the reader.
  • Make sure the article has no calls to action inviting the reader either to refer to the company you represent, buy a product, or follow you as a writer

How to Submit

  1. Make sure your Medium account is under your own name, has a short bio, and a picture of you.
  2. Create a draft of the article you want us to publish. If the article has been published elsewhere, make sure you set a canonical link (you may find Medium guidelines on how to do this here).
  3. When the draft is ready, submit it via this form.

We’ll be doing our best to give you a response within 3 business days.

We’re looking forward to your awesome submissions!

