Alex Medick — I love marketing because it is at the corner of art and science

marketer interviews
5 min readMar 4, 2019

Thanks a lot to Alex for taking the time to do this Interview. “Marketer Interviews” is a interview series catalog where we interview the top marketers out there and present it in an organised and categorized format at .
Alex Medick is Founder at The New Standard. To learn more about Alex’s work go to

Question: Where are you working now, what is your role and how did you get here?
Alex Medick: Right now, I am doing my own venture called The New Standard. TNS is a digital marketing agency and consultancy based out of Las Vegas, NV. I started the company for casual freelance gigs outside of my corporate marketing job back in 2014. But as demand for my services grew, I decided in 2019 to go all in. Things are insanely busy, but that’s a good thing!

For the last several years, I have been a VP of Marketing for a holding company that works in the data insights space. After a while, I just kept feeling that I wanted to be my own boss and do my own thing. So, I took the plunge and the business keeps coming. I am enjoying TNS more because of the freedom to work wherever and under my own guidance, without having a board of directors to each day.

Check us out online at

Question: What is your favorite marketing area? (Social, SEO, Sales etc.)?
Alex Medick: Social, Website Design and Marketing Consulting are my bread in butter. It’s what I love the most and what get’s me excited when a client gives me the opportunity to do so.

Website design is your digital business card. It’s a living breathing tool that can help you gain new customers and inform the world about what you do for a living. If done right, websites are no longer static, but they are ever-evolving to grow with the business and customer.

Social is great, if done right! I’m not a big proponent of “influencer status.” I believe that social is a tool where you can connect directly with your customer. Where you can develop personal relationships with each person that supports your company by way of purchasing your product / service. There is no better way to create one-on-one experiences with you audience than social. Also, social ads is wildly incredible with the targeting I am able to do. To be able to tailor ads for my specific audience is absolutely wonderful.

Lastly, the consulting. This is my jam. I love being able to advise and guide companies to reach their marketing goals. I love to dive into the team and help them grow as an engaged partner and member of their squad. Then, when the ball is rolling, I step back and they know that I am always here for them as time goes on. I love this aspect of marketing and consulting.

Question: Why do you love marketing?
Alex Medick: I love marketing because it is at the corner of art and science. You can use data to inform and methodologies to inform your tactics, but you have to use art and creativity to implement them. Also, to help take a client’s idea and turn that into a reality with an audience that actually wants the product is incredible.

Hell no, it’s not easy. But I love it.

Question: What are your favorite books?
Alex Medick: I have too many favorite books. I read one or two a month, so I guess I will try and narrow this list down to the top 5.

  1. When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead — Jerry Weintraub
  2. The Third Door by Alex Banayan
  3. Without Their Permission by Alexis Ohanian
  4. Angel by Jason Calacanis
  5. #AskGaryVee by Gary Vaynerchuk
  1. Question: What marketing related blogs, magazines etc. do you read to keep your skills up to date?
    Alex Medick: To stay up-to-date, I am constantly stalking the latest trends on twitter, reading updates from companies like Hubspot and Buffer, joining marketing communities on Slack, and listening to podcasts.

Marketing is always evolving, so it’s important to stay on-top of things.

**Question: What brands do you like or follow on social media and why?**
*Alex Medick*: My favorite brands to follow on social are Buffer, Hubspot, Hootsuite, and then I follow a lot of marketers and entrepreneurs.

**Question: How do you find good content?**
*Alex Medick*: One of my favorite ways to find good content is through — a news curation website that emails news based on categories I choose on a daily basis.

It’s one of the best content sites out there. It’s not meant for content curation, but it helps to get the wheels turning for great marketing content.

**Question: How do you get to know your target audience?**
*Alex Medick*: Its all about the data, baby! I use tools like Facebook analytics, Google analytics and the company’s CRM to get to know my clients audience. If it is a new product without an audience to examine, I like to use HubSpot’s buyer persona creation tool and test, test, test!

**Question: What tools do you use for social marketing?**
*Alex Medick*: There is really only one tool that use for social media marketing and Buffer (Publisher, Reply and Analytics). There is of course Facebook Business Manager as well for running social campaigns.

**Question: What tools do you use for analytics?**
*Alex Medick*: For analytics, I use Google, Facebook and Buffer Analyze.

**Question: What CRM tools do you use?**
*Alex Medick*: I use one main CRM tool — Hubspot.

**Question: What’s your #1 advice for people starting to get into marketing?**
*Alex Medick*: My number one piece of advice for people getting into marketing is to know that there is so much free education out there on the internet and that there are so many people in the marketing community that are willing to help you and guide you succeed. You don’t need to panic and go through everything alone! Join the community and participate! Be a part of the culture.

This interview is part of the “Marketer Interviews” catalog project. A service by [observely — your automated competitor analysis delivered to your inbox](



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