Annali Wallin — Be curious and adventurous — those are the people that change the world

marketer interviews
3 min readMar 6, 2019

Thanks a lot to Annali for taking the time to do this Interview. “Marketer Interviews” is a interview series catalog where we interview the top marketers out there and present it in an organised and categorized format at .
Annali Wallin is Marketing Manager & Customer Success Manager at Ocast. To learn more about Annali’s work go to

Question: Where are you working now, what is your role and how did you get here?
Annali Wallin: I am Customer Success and Marketing Manager at Ocast. My role is broad and I dance between tasks daily. As Customer Success Manager, I am passionate about ensuring my clients are successful with our product and challenge them to improve their own product catalog, workflow and media marketing. As Marketing Manager, I am constantly evolving our lean marketing activities and strategy — typical for a fast-paced and growing startup.

Question: What is your favorite marketing area? (Social, SEO, Sales etc.)?
Annali Wallin: I gravitate towards customer-centric marketing in general and enjoy the potential of email marketing and SaaS in-app marketing strategies.

Question: Why do you love marketing?
Annali Wallin: I love marketing because of the influence on the economy to drive more successful businesses but mostly because of the ability to make people feel emotions and positively.

In a society that needs more positivity, it’s satisfying to add even a touch of entertainment, ease and positive impact to someone else’s day.

Question: What are your favorite books?
Annali Wallin: TOO MANY — Top reads include Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin, All Marketers are Liars by Seth Godin and The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt.

Question: What marketing related blogs, magazines etc. do you read to keep your skills up to date?
Annali Wallin: Buffer, Bannerboy, AdAge Podcast, SaaStr Podcast and more. I’m a big podcast listener.

Question: What brands do you like or follow on social media and why?
Annali Wallin: I’m a twitter fiend — I enjoy @buffer and @campaignmag for consistent content to read on the go. On Instagram, I follow @marketing_humor for a little chuckle and enjoy again, @buffer, for their aesthetics, employer branding and inspiration through various marketing verticals — check it out!

Question: How do you find good content?
Annali Wallin: By dedicating time to research and browse for new content and being open to new sources. Referrals from friends as well — nothing like classic WOM.

Question: How do you get to know your target audience?
Annali Wallin: The best way is with data and personally. We use Google Analytics mostly and a lot of customer contact, research interviews and consistent surveying.

Question: What tools do you use for social marketing?
Annali Wallin: Buffer. It’s a great tool to use for a simple UX and all social channels in one place.

Question: What tools do you use for analytics?
Annali Wallin: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, HotJar.

Question: What CRM tools do you use?
Annali Wallin: Hubspot,

Question: What’s your #1 advice for people starting to get into marketing?
Annali Wallin: Be curious and adventurous — those are the people that change the world and learn the most. Find a mentor that allows you to push your own limits, the limits of those around you and shares their knowledge. Regardless of marketing, I believe the secret to success is having a balance stubbornness to push for your ideas, openness to other ideas and mostly, kindness.

This interview is part of the “Marketer Interviews” catalog project. A service by observely — your automated competitor analysis delivered to your inbox



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