Nikolay Terziev — Marketing is all about relationships

marketer interviews
3 min readMar 11, 2019

Thanks a lot to Nikolay for taking the time to do this Interview. “Marketer Interviews” is a interview series catalog where we interview the top marketers out there and present it in an organised and categorized format at .
Nikolay Terziev is * at *. To learn more about Nikolay’s work go to .

Question: Where are you working now, what is your role and how did you get here?
Nikolay Terziev: Right now I work as a senior SEO expert and product definition specialist. I got to this position thanks to my extensive 8+ years of experience as an SEO consultant.

Question: What is your favorite marketing area? (Social, SEO, Sales etc.)?
Nikolay Terziev: If I have to pick only one it has to be SEO.

Question: Why do you love marketing?
Nikolay Terziev: Marketing is all about relationships. That is what I most love about it. How it connects and solidifies consumers and companies.

Question: What are your favorite books?
Nikolay Terziev: Best book I’ve read recently -> Start with Why

Question: What marketing related blogs, magazines etc. do you read to keep your skills up to date?
Nikolay Terziev: I like to follow people instead of reading particular blogs, but there are few that I like. SparkToto, Ahrefs Blog, Backlinko, Moz, SEO by the Sea, Fast Company

Question: What brands do you like or follow on social media and why?
Nikolay Terziev: There are lots of brands that I follow for various reasons. I like to keep track of news, updates, releases and other relevant info. There are few brands that I follow for their posts and wordplay or captivating videos or photos/images.

Question: How do you find good content?
Nikolay Terziev: When you work what I do it’s quite easy to find good content. I visit and discover interesting new sites. Often I get send cool links from friends or colleagues. However, what best works is to allow ads to appear in your feed and actually click on those of them that are really cool.

Question: How do you get to know your target audience?
Nikolay Terziev: The first approach is through data from our tracking tools. Next level is when I sit down with customer support or at least send them a brief of what I need. If that doesn’t help then online — forums, blogs and other platforms that mention our brand.

Question: What tools do you use for social marketing?
Nikolay Terziev: We use Buffer.

Question: What tools do you use for analytics?
Nikolay Terziev: We use Google Analytics

Question: What CRM tools do you use?
Nikolay Terziev: We have a custom build CRM.

Question: What’s your #1 advice for people starting to get into marketing?
Nikolay Terziev: Pick an area and learn everything there it is about it. Read every day, try new things and don’t be afraid to make decisions. The decisions you make will help you grow.

This interview is part of the “Marketer Interviews” catalog project. A service by observely — your automated competitor analysis delivered to your inbox



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