Taru Bhargava — Learn, experiment and evolve is my mantra!

marketer interviews
3 min readMar 12, 2019

Thanks a lot to Taru for taking the time to do this Interview. “Marketer Interviews” is a interview series catalog where we interview the top marketers out there and present it in an organised and categorized format at interviews.observely.net .
Taru Bhargava is Content Marketing & SEO Specialist at Foundation Marketing. To learn more about Taru’s work go to https://foundationinc.co.

Question: Where are you working now, what is your role and how did you get here?
Taru Bhargava: I’m currently working at Foundation Marketing Inc. Foundation is a B2B content marketing agency based out f Halifax, Canada. My role at Foundation is multi-dimensional and on a day to basis, I get to handle external clients as well as internal brands.
How I got here is pretty interesting. But long story short, I’ve known Ross Simmonds for a while and have always admired his work. So when he shared that he had a spot open at Foundation, I was quick to jump and leverage on the opportunity.

Question: What is your favorite marketing area? (Social, SEO, Sales etc.)?
Taru Bhargava: Most definitely content marketing! I can say that social media marketing and SEO comes next in that order.

Question: Why do you love marketing?
Taru Bhargava: What I love about my job is the ability to tell engaging stories, have a peek into the inside of so many businesses, identify the pain points of customers and then weave them into content that drives traffic and generates revenue.
The best part? No two days are the same and there’s something new waiting for me every day. I can wake up and write blogs, create copy for landing pages or work on my side gig as the sun sets.

Question: What are your favorite books?
Taru Bhargava: My all-time favorite book is Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. But when it comes to books on marketing the list keeps on evolving. At present, I’m itching to read Atomic Habits — have read tons of good reviews about it.

Question: What marketing related blogs, magazines etc. do you read to keep your skills up to date?
Taru Bhargava: Great question! In no particular order, I love the following blogs:
>First Round Review
> Drift Blog
> Buffer
> Co-schedule
> SmartInsights

Question: What brands do you like or follow on social media and why?
Taru Bhargava: I mostly follow B2B & B2C brands on social media. A lot of these display some good work, which is always inspiring.

Question: How do you find good content?
Taru Bhargava: Thankfully I’m surrounded by some amazing content creators across social media and communities and by virtue of it I’m blessed to discover noteworthy content each day.

Question: How do you get to know your target audience?
Taru Bhargava: We do thorough research and deep-dive to understand their needs, behavior, expectations and then go on to create personas.

Question: What tools do you use for social marketing?
Taru Bhargava: We majorly use Buffer.

Question: What tools do you use for analytics?
Taru Bhargava: Google Analytics to identify web traffic and Ahrefs for SEO purpose.

Question: What CRM tools do you use?
Taru Bhargava: None at the moment. But have used Hubspot extensively in the past.

Question: What’s your #1 advice for people starting to get into marketing?
Taru Bhargava: When I moved from sales into marketing (without any tertiary qualification) the only thing I did was to be fearless. Learn, experiment and evolve is my mantra!

This interview is part of the “Marketer Interviews” catalog project. A service by observely — your automated competitor analysis delivered to your inbox



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