10 Must-Read Books to Achieve Success In Your Online Business

Dan Lu
Marketing And Growth Hacking
6 min readDec 4, 2018

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From: Pacific Beach

Dear Friend,

When it comes to having success in an online business, there are certain areas that you need to develop your knowledge and skills in. Areas such as marketing, copywriting, buyer/human psychology, and more.

In this list, you’ll find books that cover all of those areas.

These recommendations come from a group of experienced and elite online entrepreneurs but also include books that have helped me in my own personal journey.

Having an online business today is one of the best (if not THE best) ways to build the lifestyle you want.


Because living your dream lifestyle requires funding and the way you earn your income plays a major role in how much you can make, where you can work from, and the work you need to put in.

Having a regular brick-and-mortar business may give you the financial rewards to help you live your lifestyle but can it give you the freedom to travel and work from anywhere?

Nope. And that’s why an online business is THE way to go if you’re looking to build something that can support the life you want to live.

Anyway, I hope these books help you in your journey and make a positive impact for you.

1. “DotCom Secrets” by Russell Brunson

This is THE book that changed how I approached building an online business and one that I would recommend to anyone who is serious about building an digital business.

The theories and strategies in this book are applicable to virtually any type of business. Whether it’s e-commerce, info products, memberships, etc.

The idea of sales funnels and value ladders are crucial to understand when it comes to maximizing your sales and increasing your profits.

Most businesses and people don’t have a clue about these topics and are leaving piles of cash on the table because they haven’t read this book.

2. “Expert Secrets” by Russell Brunson

For those who are looking to share their knowledge and build a business based on their expertise, this is another must-have from Russell Brunson.

Expertise in this digital world is highly sought after and also highly accessible.

Learning to leverage what you know and build a business from it can be very lucrative as well as very fulfilling.

This book will teach you how to take what you know that made you successful and help others follow a similar path to their own success.

3. “Scientific Advertising” by Claude Hopkins

Although written decades ago, this book has timeless principles that are still relevant.

This book is often recommended by some of the top marketers today and is a great book to study the fundamentals.

And like most things in life, you want to master the fundamentals before you advance to the super crazy strategies.

4. “Pre-suasion” by Robert Cialdini (Team Robert Cialdini)

When it comes to any business, understanding how to “sell” before actually selling makes a huge impact.

Knowing what makes people interested or increasing their likelihood of buying is powerful if you want to convert prospects into paying customers.

It’s all about setting up the right environment that will trigger your prospects to not only buy but buy from you.

5. “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini (Team Robert Cialdini)

Knowing how to persuade your potential customers (ethically of course) is a must for those who sell any type of product.

People are often hesitant about making purchases (especially with higher price tags).

Knowing how to get them off the fence so they can benefit from your product/service is important if you want to generate more sales and help more people with what you offer.

6. “The Invisible Selling Machine” by Ryan Deiss

Written by the co-founder of Digital Marketer, this book offers sound advice and strategies for a variety of businesses, not just online businesses.

It’s about email marketing and learning how to use it effectively so that you can maximize your results when a customer opts into your mailing list.

Email marketing is so important in an online business and will be for years to come (despite the latest trends in social media and bots).

This book teaches you how to build systems to bring in revenue on autopilot as soon as someone joins your mailing list.

And bringing in sales on autopilot should be a priority for any business.


Because you want to maximize your returns for the least amount of effort (not to say you’re slacking or anything).

But you want leverage your efforts through creating systems that are designed to market and generate sales for you.

7. “Digital Marketing for Dummies” by Ryan Deiss

This book is more for the beginner and covers the fundamentals of digital and online marketing.

I highly recommend this one for anyone just starting out in the online business world to really understand how things work on the internet in terms of business and commerce.

It does get into some detail but provides more of an overarching view of the online business landscape.

8. ”The Ultimate Sales Letter” by Dan S. Kennedy

If you’re selling a product/service, knowing how to write a sales letter is powerful (especially if you don’t want to hire an expensive copywriter).

Learning how to write effectively is such an overlooked skill and aspect of the sales process.

Yes, your words matter. A lot.

But it’s not just the words you choose. It’s also how you structure your words that can make or break your sales machine.

9. “The Copywriters Handbook” by Robert W. Bly

Like I mentioned, using the right words to sell can make all the difference.

This copywriting handbook is a great start for how to use words to get people to do what you want.

Combine the psychology knowledge from the previous Cialdini books with the ability to write effectively and you have a recipe for successful campaigns, emails, sales funnels, and more.

10. “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

Although not focused on strategy or methods, this book is more about mindset and will help you with building the right approach to creating wealth in your life.

If you want to start or run a business, it’s best to have a solid understanding of money and wealth creation. After all, many people start businesses to create financial abundance in their lives (on top of other reasons).

But if you come into business with the wrong attitude or approach, you’re doomed from the start.

So those are some of the books that have helped me understand the world of online business and provided me the tools to become successful.

Now, I know that there are a ton of other valuable books out there that are amazing — I just haven’t gotten to them yet.

So this is the list that I compiled based off of my own experience that were recommended by successful online entrepreneurs.

Sincere wishes for a great life,

Dan Lu

Ready to Take Life to The Next Level With An Online Business?

Click to check out “The Ultimate Guide to Online Businesses: 40+ Ways to Make Money Online

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Dan Lu
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Business Consultant Helping Entrepreneurs Develop Clarity, Focus, and Strategies to Scale Their Companies | danluconsulting.com.