5 Simple Things That Will Accelerate Your Digital Marketing

Helen Cartwright
Marketing And Growth Hacking
6 min readSep 25, 2018

Digital marketing can seem like a minefield to small businesses or to businesses who are entering the digital space for the first time. Traditional marketing and advertising tactics still might work for some businesses, but it is digital marketing that businesses must conquer in order to enjoy success in this digital era.

If you’re new to digital marketing, you don’t need to take on too much in one go. You may choose to enlist the help of a marketing professional to get your business to a place where it is gaining serious traction online and generating leads and sales.

However, if you want to familiarise yourself with basic digital marketing tactics — or maybe you want a refresher — here are 5 simple things that will dramatically accelerate your digital marketing (that you can do on your own).

  1. Drive traffic

The goal of every business’s digital marketing efforts — whatever their niche, industry or service — is to drive traffic to their website. The more traffic your website gets, the more people will see your products/services and the more leads and sales you will generate. It’s that simple.

The three key ways to drive traffic to your website are: implementing a keyword strategy, harnessing social media and ensuring that your website remains optimised.

Keyword strategy

Your keyword strategy should be centralised around keywords that are specific to your business, industry and service/product. You can conduct keyword research and competitor analysis through tools such as SEMrush to find keywords and phrases with the most search volume.

Then, by inserting these specific keywords into your website URLs, page titles, metadata and onsite content, search engines like Google will be able to identify your site and rank it higher in the SERPs (search engine results pages). You will, therefore, become more visible and discoverable online and will gain a higher volume of website traffic.

Social media

Social media is incredibly influential in driving traffic to your website. If you haven’t already, create social media channels for your business. Be sure to have a Facebook page at the very least, but Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest could also prove effective for you (depending on your business).

Then, by using social media marketing tactics, you can share links to your content as well as media like images and videos. This will direct online users to your website and increase engagement.

Social media is also crucial for enhancing your brand awareness and online presence.

  1. Website optimisation

Another way to drive traffic is to ensure your website is always optimised. With digital algorithms and trends constantly changing, you shouldn’t become complacent in thinking that your website is forever going to adhere to Google’s ideals.

Therefore, you should look to refresh your site’s keyword strategy and onsite content every few months and keep an eye on its functionality. If your site speed is too slow, or some media doesn’t work correctly, users will bounce off your site and onto your competitors’.

2. CTAs

Another simple thing you can do to accelerate your digital marketing efforts is to improve your call-to-actions (CTAs). A call-to-action is a button that should inspire the user to take action and move down your sales funnel. This action may be to enter their email address, to make a booking, to make a phone call or purchase a product. Whatever it is, you are looking to persuade them.

You should have CTAs sprinkled throughout your website, especially on your landing pages, and they should be clear, concise and compelling. They should include keywords that are relevant to your brand, and use language that communicates to your target audience.

Try to avoid generic CTAs such as “find out more”. Instead, try and get creative and inject a sense of urgency. And don’t forget to split test your CTAs to gauge which variation is more effective and results in more conversions.

3. Landing pages

You should create designated landing pages for different areas of your website, as this will help to drive users to your page. A well-designed landing page is relevant to their search query, will engage them and lead them down your sales funnel to the conversion stage.

Landing pages should be used in conjunction with paid ad campaigns. So, if a user typed into Google “white t-shirt women” and your paid ad campaign was optimised to capture that search, they will be persuaded to click onto your ad. The ad would then lead them to a carefully curated landing page that shows them the specific information they were looking for. (In this case, white t-shirts for women.)

4. Content

Content is a huge part of digital marketing. You can claim authority around keywords through high-quality content, which will help to drive traffic to your website and increase your brand’s exposure.

Types of content include news articles, blog posts and media (images, video, podcast, etc.). If you create content that is valuable, well-researched, long in length (blog posts should be as long as possible whilst still being informative), keyword-optimised and of high quality, and share it across social media, you will drive traffic and earn a high ranking on the SERPs.

5. Printed marketing materials

Although printed marketing materials do not exist in the realm of digital marketing, you should never underestimate their influence. Used in conjunction with your digital marketing efforts, printed marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, posters, banners and brochures can tremendously enhance your brand awareness, online and offline.

Your business and brand identity will become more significant in the mind of the consumer if they experience it in a tangible, offline form. Plus, handing someone a business card or a flyer is a lot more personal than an online ad on social media and has a lot longer staying power.

Better yet, getting marketing materials made through a business printing service is a low-cost investment that will yield amazing results.


By implementing these 5 simple things — driving traffic to your website, creating clear CTAs, making designated landing pages, amping up your content creation and investing in printed marketing materials — your business’ digital marketing will skyrocket.

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