5 Tools & 4 Tips which will instantly increase your ROI in the Digital Age

Sjors Goemans
Marketing And Growth Hacking
7 min readNov 22, 2017
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

For your company, the digital age can either turn out to be the greatest thing ever or become your companies worst nightmare.

It’s important to use the best available tools to perfection if you want to reach your company’s target group at the right time.

Of course you don’t need to use all of them. But tools like Zapier, Insightly, Manychat, Trello and Hotjar will make your life so much easier.

#1 Zapier

Zapier is a tool that connects all you tools. A quick example:

I use Facebook leads ads but I don’t check my leads within Facebook every day. And after I have read an article that explains that you have to contact a lead within the first 5 minutes after they have requested more information.

I was convinced there should be a way to send them an automatic email and send me all contact details at the same time. I connected Facebook ads, Freshsales and Gmail through Zapier and viola!

Everything was set up in just a few minutes and it will gave me an extra half hour a day to do more important stuff.

#2 Insightly

Insightly is a CRM system to streamline the process of your sales. It helps you to remember who you should contact at what time and what you have discussed the last time you spoke. Insightly will accelerate growth in your sales process, because of the easy to use system. Both small and larger companies are using it.

#3 Manychat

Ever heard of a chatbot? Well Manychat is the best and easiest way to build a chatbot without coding. Just drag and drop everything, fill in some text and add some images and your done.

These 3 tools have provided me the same abilities as a 5 man team. If you are a startup or a solo entrepreneur you have to be smarter, you have to be creative and think you can gain time without having to hire expensive freelancers or employees.

Personally I think that these 3 tools should be the starting tools for each and every online business.

But enough about these tools specific. The most basic tool for you to start with is a website. And most of you will probably think:

“ I already have a website”.


It’s about having a website that provides value, is easy to use and basically is a money making machine on it’s own.

I see so many companies failing because they haven’t tested their website for conversion increasement.

Just a simple A/B testing should be enough.

A/B testing is testing one option against the other and see which one performed better.

#4 Hotjar

My advise is to install Hotjar.

Hotjar is a heatmap tool that will show you where people will look at on your website. By analyzing this behavior you can see the focus of people who are navigation within your website. You can see if they are focusses on the right elements. If you see that the focus is not correctly distributed you can change colors, text or the design to change the focuspoints.

#5 Trello

If you work with a big team, developers or freelancers I would recommend Trello.

Trello is a simple to use management app and website that will streamline your to-do’s. You can make multiple maps and share them with people who should add updates in that specific map. For example I made a map that I shared with my developers.

The 4 tips

Here are 4 key tips which you can apply to your own brand.

#1 Your brand story matters

What’s important for brands these days, is that their products really tell their clients a story.

And no!

I’m not talking about a boring story of a day out shopping…

It has to be a story which really brings up several emotions.

Lets take for example a commercial about watches.

You could probably imagine something like a father and son who come back together from a walk through the forest. The father shows the high quality and possibilities of the watch to his son.

The provoke emotion the time skips 35 years forward and the father is lying weakend on his bed and tells his son this:

Father: “You know that time we walked to the forest and I showed you that watch you liked so much?”

Son: “Yes of course dad, I will never forget”

Father: “Well, I want you to have it to remember the great times we had. And keep the memory of our life together through this watch. My grandfather gave it to me and now it’s my time to give it to you.”

Son: “ I will keep it safe dad and when I look at it I will remember the great moments we had together”

After the story the slogan comes:

A watch that reminds you of the great times

Maybe it’s not the best example, but you understand what I’m trying to show you. A great story is pure gold and will create a bond with the viewers of the video.

#2 Provide a sense of belonging

Brands have similarities and differences in comparisons to other brands. One of the things they’ve in common is that they are both trying to create a feeling of belonging to something for the consumer.

The story which is provided through both online- and offline marketing will show them if they belong to a brand. Take for example the dollarshave club.

They tell their customers that you can shave for one dollar. Below is a video of their commercial:

This video also stimulates a funny feeling. And that is why most of the people will instantly start to like the brand and try the cheap dollar blades.

Around 42% of the Americans shave their beard, but hate the shaving. That’s why the guys at Dollarshave Club are trying to make it funny and nice to shave. They take the frustration of shaving out and create a community of shavers who enjoy shaving with good products which costs just a few bucks.

They are part of a community of low-budget shavers.

#3 Amplify

Interaction with your customers and consumers is very important for growing your business. You can do this by responding to their social media shoutouts. This will result in a higher engagement and keeps up with the current viral trends.

You can create a hashtag or even a whole page for one of your events. Everyone who participates in that event can then post that picture with either the hashtag or post it on your event page.

#4 Collaborations

We all know companies who have done collaborations before.

This can be done in any way. It can be done to raise money for a public cause, but there are also collaborations about drunk driving or for example bullying.

This makes your company’s social presence much stronger and that is what every company wants, right?

Brands working together doesn’t only work well for their status. It also allows them to become part of a much larger network than they would have been able to reach on their own.

I even partner with competitors as we can help each other grow.

These 4 tips have changed the way I see business. I don’t see competitors as enemies, but as partners in a market. By using these tools correctly you can do the work of multiple people on your own in less time and effort.

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Sjors Goemans
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Influencer marketing expert - CEO Juulr. Trying to provide value to fellow entrepreneur and marketers.