6 Content Marketing Tools To Take Your Game To The Next Level

Alex Galinos
Marketing And Growth Hacking
5 min readApr 2, 2019
Credit to PEXELS

Content marketing strategy can make or break you, but it’s often not enough.

Whatever you may have planned, good luck putting it in action without the right software.

Truth is a Content Marketer is sometimes as good as the tools they use. Here are my personal favorites:

1. Ahrefs

I use Ahrefs because it’s an all-in-one solution.

  • Its keyword tool is very precise and gives you very relevant results, which you can export directly and put them into your lists, seemingly without having to check for unrelated keywords.
  • Its competitor research tool is very intuitive and you get lots of information ranging from where the competitor gets their backlinks from, which pages get the most backlinks, top content, referring domains, even what their anchor text is for their links.
  • Content ideas from top performing content of other sites.
  • Ahrefs also has introduced a super intuitive new feature called “Questions” which you can find in their keywords explorer tool on the left. What this basically does is it finds all questions users are typing in which are related to your keyword. Talk about a super efficient way to create those FAQs in your new blog article and address those long tail questions directly.
  • You can also run a site audit and Ahrefs will give you a heads up on all the SEO issues of your website also providing suggestions on how to fix those.

2. Grammarly

That’s a super tool for pretty much everything that has to do with your content creation. It proofreads your texts on all aspects, from language use and word choice to typos, and whatever aspect you might think of.

In the premium version, you can even put in the purpose of your text (informative, persuasive, educational etc) and Grammarly will modify the language suggestions it spits out to cater to your text’s purpose.

Grammarly has recently updated their Chrome plugin, which will proofread pretty much every text you load on your Chrome browser, from email all the way even to Facebook posts!

3. Quora

Content Marketing is all about providing actual value to your customers through thought-provoking and informative content, right?

Well, your customers are probably hanging out on Quora. So, what better way to find out what their concerns are than through this wonderful question-answer social platform? Quora is one of the best ways to listen out to what your customers care about and create content that addresses their needs.

4. Yoast SEO

Wordpress and Yoast go hand in hand. If you’re writing content on Wordpress then Yoast is your go-to solution, because it takes care of everything that has to do with your On-Page optimization.

Focus keywords, meta-descriptions and SEO titles are some parts of the content you can optimize for better exposure with it.

The best thing about it is that it even gives you suggestions on how to improve the readability of your content by making shorter sentences, changing passive to active voice, keyword density and even image optimization.

5. Moz

I use Moz as a complementary tool to Ahrefs because of certain features.

  • On-Page Grader: Insane feature which assesses the On-Page health of a certain page based on the keyword you want to target. It will give you suggestions for improvement on various aspects, ranging from keyword use on header tags and ALT text, URL structure, meta-descriptions, and many other aspects.
  • Link Explorer: Although Ahrefs also has a Link analysis tool, Moz has a very important feature, which is called Spam Score. What this basically does is it analyzes a whole lot of SEO factors (both on a root domain as well as a page level) and will hone them all down into a single score. Why you should get care? Well, imagine getting a backlink from a site with a high spam score? That wouldn’t look very good in Google’s eyes now, would it?

6. Bitly

Well, we all share our content on social because Content Marketing is about creation as it’s about proper distribution, right? Bitly is a great tool to track how many people clicked through to the Bitly link you posted that takes them to your content. The great thing about it is that even the free version provides you with a bunch of useful metrics, such as country and device of traffic to your Bitly link.

Of course, there are lots of other tools content marketers should and probably are using, such as Analytics to measure the success of their Content efforts, as well as tools like Buzzsumo if you’re looking to create more of a “socially” loveable content piece going for those massive share numbers.

What tools do you use most in your daily Content Marketing activities? I’d love to know so hit me up with any suggestions in the comments below!

I’m all about social, so if you liked this article you can also follow me on Twitter, Quora and Linkedin.

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Alex Galinos
Marketing And Growth Hacking

🌍 International SEO Expert ✔ Content Marketing Strategist ✔ Affiliate ✔ Co-Founder @ Parents Hub ▶️ 0-100,000+ Monthly Organics In 12 Months ◀️