8 Reasons How Millennial Entrepreneurs are Changing The Market With Technology

Helen Cartwright
Marketing And Growth Hacking
6 min readSep 19, 2018

Millennial entrepreneurs are changing the way that business is done because they have focused on technology. They are changing the way that companies function, and they are giving companies a chance to improve faster. They are focused on using technology to make employees better, to help customers have a better time, and to save money.

Look at all eight ways that the millennials have shifted business closer to technology.

1. They Use Technology To Share Work Assignments

The old narrative of the office worker coming in, seeing a stack of papers on their desk, and getting to work is dead. Workers can come into the office, see a message on their computer that has their work assignments, and they collaborate on those assignments inside the software that is used for their work. They can share their work instantly, and they can move on to the next task.

2. Mobile Technology

Mobile technology is helpful for those who work in the field, those in the office, and those who travel. Someone who is collaborating on a project can check that project from their phone, and they can send texts while at the office. These people can open their documents on a phone, or field workers could use a tablet to get prices, offer services, and suggest products to their customers.

3. Social Media For Advertising

Social media is an easy way for people to get to know your company, and millennials spend more time on social media than most. Social media is a good way for a company to interact with the people, and these people are more likely to buy from a company that is trying to reach them through social media. Social media is easy to use, and it is something that people get passive marketing through. There are a few people who will even click through to buy a product from an ad they saw on social media. Millennials have made it easier to reach the customer quickly, and they have done so in a way that is beneficial to everyone.

4. They Streamline Processes

They streamline the processes that they use in their offices because they do not want to waste anyone’s time. The millennial executives that have taken over businesses have cut out a lot of the red tape that has been used in the past. These executives save money for their companies, and they use technology to replace the slow processes that were getting in the way.

5. They Put Technology In Their Products

The millennial entrepreneurs that are trying to put technology into their products because that makes them easier to use. They might add technology to cars, to simple things to use around the house, and they add digital displays to items that would be easier to use. These executives want to make life simpler for their customers, and they want to create an image of progressivism for their companies. They won’t hesitate in trying something new or adopting a new technology which can benefit them in long-term such as a technology of going cashless for smooth future transaction. These companies are shown to do the best work because they want to progress, and they prefer to use technology to improve something that might not have even had technology attached before.

6. They Have Higher Profiles

CEOs in the old days were not big names, and they were not known very well by the public. A modern CEO like Mark Zuckerberg is someone that everyone knows, and they have chosen to be the face of their companies without using the company logo on the official face. Companies are often known better as people than they are as logos, and that makes these companies easier to work with. People could follow these CEOs online, and they might feel like they have a bit of a connection with the people that they are getting to know.

7. They Have The Ideas

The CEOs of old did not have ideas so much as they provided services or products that everyone else made. The current market requires that people are innovating, and someone who wants to become a better CEO should remember that innovating will help them be at the forefront of their industry. They gain much more respect because of their ideas, and they can take their place as the face of their company. A company that is not based on an original idea is not given as much respect as one that people know for being creative.

8. They Make Apps

New entrepreneurs often create apps for their businesses that are much easier to use. These apps are simple for people to download to any device, and they have instant access to the company. You are expecting people to make apps for you to use because that makes it easier to access the service you need. You might even give credence to the CEOs who have made games that you love. The apps are on your phone or tablet at all times, and you become attached to these apps much more than you would be attached to something like a business’ website.

9. Honourable Mention: They Do Good

Modern CEOs are using technology to improve the world, and they will give a part of their profits to the good causes they believe in. These millennials are turning the eyes of the world to the causes that they believe in, and they are helping people focus more on what they can do to help the people of the world. You might have noticed that a certain company gives a part of its profits to charities, or they might give products as part of their business plan.


There are several different companies that have changed the world markets because of technology use. These companies have improved the way that their employees work, and they are changing that the world works with charities. It makes a difference in how other companies have to compete with them, and they are growing the world of technology simply by infusing it into everything that they do. These companies grow because of their affinity for technology because that is what other millennials expect.

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