8 Email Marketing Types That Will Make You True Customers

How To Use Email Marketing As A Small Business Owner

Andrei Rebegea
Marketing And Growth Hacking
9 min readAug 25, 2018


Don’t be just a duck in a row… Learn to differentiate from your competition… Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

On my last article, we talked about the first Welcome Email somebody receives when they sign up on your list. Now we are going to go deeper and discover what other emails you can send to your subscribers in order to move them from suspect to prospect and ultimately to raving fan and customer.

By now you know who your ideal client is, you created a good free gift that you send out when someone subscribes (if you don’t have a free gift yet, go read my article on creating an awesome free gift for your prospects), now is time to send your subscribers emails… What do we send? Email marketing is best done when you keep clients engaged and you are always sending new info. If you are a small business owner you can’t stay each day 30–60 minutes creating new materials. This is how these emails are going to help you never run out of content to send.

1. The promotional email

This kind of email is general and can be applied by all businesses. It doesn’t matter if you have a hair salon or a carpet cleaning business. You have to sell to survive. This email is going to promote a product or a service and entice customers to make a purchase.

This email is very simple to create. It needs to be short and to the point. You can add an image to it or you could just do it text based.

A small list that wants exactly what you’re offering is better than a bigger list that isn’t committed. — Ramsay Leimenstoll

In order to create a promotional email, you have to have a clear offer, create a sense of urgency, and keep it short. A clear offer has to be front and center. The customer has to quickly understand it and not be confused by your email. The sense of urgency gives customers a reason to act quickly. This can be a sale price, a limited stock, a promotion, something that will move the client to take action now. Keeping your emails short will help you stay relevant, you just state the deal, tell how to redeem it and you say it in the less amount of words.

2. The new product/service email

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

In this email, you announce your audience about something new. You present your new products or service and talk about its benefits. This can work for any business, but fashion or food businesses will benefit the most out of it.

The email is still simple to create but you might require to make some professional product photos.

Send the email as soon as the new product or service is available. This shows your client that you value him. A photo means 1000 words. Be sure to make your product photo look awesome. Test out subject lines and include the word new.

3. Newsletter email

This email informs about company news and consolidates the relationship you have with your audience. This is not a hard email to create but you have to have someone who writes content on a daily basis.

Done is better than perfect. — Facebook

A newsletter email doesn’t have to belong. You should take a look at any newspaper and adapt its first page as a model. Create short actionable sections of content, images, and calls to action. Be sure to have a good design. Add lines between content and make it clean and easy to read. A good newsletter should always contain contact information. Be sure to add your website, email, phone number and social media platforms. The purpose of this email is to make people find you easier and to always be on the top of their minds. If you do that correctly the moment they need what you offer you are going to be their first choice.

4. Product advice email

This is a “how to” email. Here you will add more information about how to get the most from your product or service. Doing this is going to differentiate you from the competition. You could use your frequently asked questions and create an email answering them.

“white bottle with cup” by Frame Harirak on Unsplash

The content of this email has to be valuable for the client. You have to help them solve problems. For example, if you sell a drill give them information on the best ways to use it in order to hang their pictures or how to use it to create a bath cabinet. In this example, there are many websites with do it yourself hacks that you could use to get inspired.

You should always proofread your emails. This should be a rule you implement in your marketing department. Having a spelling error is going to cut your credibility in the customer’s eyes.

Bonus Tip: No matter what you write online you should always use Grammarly to look for misspellings and grammar errors. Search Google for Grammarly and add it to your Chrome browser as an extension. This is going to help you avoid making mistakes.

ABS — Always be serving… focusing on being nice and having your customer best interest in mind is going to reflect in your emails and in your future sales. Also be available. Try to invite subscribers to have a conversation with you. This will help you discover how to better serve your customers.

5. The education email

This is the most important email you can create. This email is going to help you create trust between you and your clients. In these emails, you are going to provide knowledge from your industry that can help your clients. For example, if you are a real estate agent you could create information on how to grow your house value even if you don’t have big pockets or monthly guides with house prices in different areas. This builds the relationship between your business and your customers.

Your content must be relevant. Try to teach them something that is connected with your business. Above I gave you an example of what a real estate agent could do. Now let’s talk about what somebody who has a product based business could do. Let’s say you sell meat. You always have fresh meat and you also create beef jerky. Offering people your recipe and some advice on how to get the best taste is not going to push people away. Contrary, they will try the recipe, they will discover how hard it is to cook it and they will come back to you and buy your products.

Focus on growing your list all of the time as newer subscribers are more engaged adding to healthier open rates and ROI. — Karl Murray

When you do education emails don’t overwhelm your subscriber. If you have 3 blog posts, adding everything from those posts to your email is going to make your customer overwhelmed. Offer them only small bite-sized pieces of information and allow them to click on read more in order to go to the full article. This will boost your website traffic and is going to help you achieve better SEO rankings.

6. Reorder email

This kind of email works best with things that are consumable and need to be bought from time to time. They also work best with services like insurances and other services that we use on a daily basis. This email is going to remind customers that is time to reorder.

In order to create a good reorder email use clear call to actions and make the buying process as simple as possible. Remind customers of the benefits of the product or service and why reordering is a good idea for them. You could also offer them a discount that is available for a specific limited time. This will give them a reason to reorder now. Show them you care by showing the last order and maybe offering them suggestions on different products that are better or have a promotion.

7. Testimonial email

Happy people after using your product or service — Photo by Kyle Loftus on Unsplash

This is going to help you gain social proof. Have you noticed that when there is a line out of a store there are people that stay in line that don’t even know why they are standing there? Where many people want something others assume that there is a good product there and want it too. This email is going to reinforce how valuable your product or your service was for other clients. You should use this email mostly when you talk with your prospects. If you sent a testimonial email to clients add a spin to it and say how your product or service helped X to do something. Combine the testimonial email with the education email and make a story.

People don’t usually leave testimonials or product reviews. You have to ask for it. On Amazon, the review rate is less than 1%. If Amazon who is the biggest retailer in the world has such a small rate we need to fight in order to get a testimonial or a review. Create a good experience when asking for a review. Promise people a gift if they leave you a review. This is going to make people give you feedback. Also, make it easy for them to do it.

8. Survey email

This email campaign is going to help you discover what your clients want. Surveying your clients often is going to help you discover how to improve your products or services. People usually like to help you become better and everyone want’s to share his opinion.

People don’t have time. In this time and age having someone complete a 40 questions survey is going to be very hard. Yesterday I got a survey from a website I use to buy groceries and after starting it I discovered it had 60 questions. I closed the tab and got back to my work. Make sure you make the survey small so you don’t take more than 5 minutes of your clients time. If you want to ask more questions do 2 surveys and send one this month and one next month.

“A person making taking your survey” by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Always explain what’s in it for them. Give your clients a reason to take the survey. Nobody is going to offer his time for nothing. Make it a competition when they can win a prize (preferably one of your products or services) or give them something for free. Also make sure they understand the purpose of the survey and don’t ask too many personal questions like age, sex, name, etc. Ask them more about their preferences and fewer questions about their identity. Make sure people understand that this survey could help you serve them better. As always, make it easy to access.

Make sure not to have too many promotional emails. When you send out emails you should have 1–2 promotional/new product emails per 10 emails. Keep it at a 10–20% and people are not going to unsubscribe from your list. If you try to sell them all the time, people are not going to open your emails anymore and they will get annoyed by you.

What should you do next?

Take the time and think how could you implement these emails into your email marketing campaigns and always make sure you have your clients best interest.

  • Create one email for each category and use them.
  • Create 4–5 education emails that you could use any time
  • Start collecting testimonials from your customers.

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Andrei Rebegea
Marketing And Growth Hacking

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