Attn: Startup Founders — Want to be Loved by Top-Tier Media? Here’s How

Diana Kozak
Marketing And Growth Hacking
3 min readJan 25, 2019

Here’s a dirty PR secret, even with a top PR agency on retainer, earning media placements is still a laborious process for clients. Brand leaders that receive regular top-tier news attention, often employ a few key tactics to earn their way into the hearts of the press. The reality is that PR pros, including those with vast networks, experience, and talent, rely on clients to do their part. A client’s efforts, regardless of budget, company size, or prestige, play a key role in the media relations activity that campaigns produce. While some clients grow into media darlings and are consistently requested to comment, interview or contribute to news stories, others require weekly brainstorm sessions, perseverance, and major PR elbow grease. Executives improve their chances of becoming a go-to source for the press and aid their publicists by performing the following actions:

1. Develop and Express a Steady Point of View

To “hijack the news,” leaders of companies must own a specific, distinct and strong point of view. Clients most asked to interview, comment and provide quotes for breaking news segments and articles are those unafraid to share their expertise, opinions, and perspectives. While some brands favor staying neutral and avoid making controversial comments in an effort to prevent alienating groups of potential customers, others jump at any opportunity to make their voice heard. In today’s media landscape, silence goes unrewarded.

2. Treat Every Interview Opportunity as if It’s For a New York Times Feature

When an opportunity for a press interview is presented, brands adored by the media will move mountains to accommodate the reporter/editor/producer and their schedule. Whether it means jumping on the next available flight, canceling a conflicting meeting, chatting while waiting for a flight to board or finding a quiet section of the train to talk, executives at these brands understand that members of the media expect to be treated with the utmost respect and that press opportunities can be lost in minutes.

2. Invest in Media Training

While a good PR rep would not let a client take a press interview without training and preparation, not all clients understand the importance of formal media training. Brand leaders that practice, follow the rules advised by their PR team, speak enthusiastically and play well with production teams, will be invited back for additional interviews while bad interviews can result in a news station banning a brand altogether.

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