B2B — Saas Marketing Simplified

Marketing And Growth Hacking
3 min readOct 25, 2017

When it comes to Software/System as a Service (SAAS) B2B products, the competition is so much that even the best of tools have to start with the Freemium subscription plans. Still they are not able to meet their right audience.

Finding paying customers is difficult in the Saas based products. Reason being the success of Saas based companies lay in the ongoing subscription and not just a purchase like in case of the physical products.

This nature of the SaaS based models put forward unique challenges and opportunities in terms of creating the business plan and also in case of product marketing.

Mostly SaaS products are novel and have new uses and therefore have to hit new areas. It is like finding your own market rather I should say, creating your own market. So the challenge is bigger, you are not only selling your product rather you are creating a new marketing and then marketing your product.

It becomes very challenging at times to convince the prospect of how beneficial can be your product offering for them. Cause they have not seen this happening functionally and it is difficult for them to visualize this.

So now How do you do that?

How do you convince the prospect?

Show him real-world scenarios, related to his business and how better can he do a similar thing (value of your product) with the solution you are offering?

How do you show them these scenarios?

Communication plays an integral role in getting new customers and maintaining customer relationships.

Make your content around how can you help the customer and not what is your offering. Tested 3 tips that works in the current setup.

1. Make relevant mailers

As all SaaS companies, you are emailing your users some mailers like welcome mail, product feature mail, and festivities but are you asking them what business problem is coming while using your tool. Real-time triggered emails also do wonders. And are they using all the features? Are you engaging with them so they retain the free trial?

2. Demo videos

Show them action happening. Show them how can they use the product in a better way. How they can automate their business flows with ease using video. Not just product videos, for marketing using happy clients videos, videos that tell a user success journey also works great.

3. Using all content formats for a topic

When you have a topic in mind, you write a blog about it. Why stick to the blog only, convert the same information into a presentation, an infographic, various small graphics, and a video. Use these on the social media platforms and other sites.

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Marketing And Growth Hacking

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to make conversations work for Businesses.