Building a Better “Neural” Network — If you could surround yourself with TED’s top minds…

Matt Ward
Marketing And Growth Hacking


A think tank is a body of experts providing advice and ideas on specific political or economic problems — imagine having the world’s greatest think tank for every topic imaginable.

That is our mission at FringeFM, to explore the edges of human understanding and bring a more tangible, exciting, accessible future to every human being on Earth. Hollywood has a monopoly on futuristic dystopia, yet we are entering an era of abundance unprecedented in our species history.

On FringeFM we bring together the top minds on the fields of genetic engineering, space travel, mechatronics and robotics, AI, environmentalism, economics and more to tackle the large societal problems of today and plan our collective future.

Why this matters

We create the future we envision and to date, our very capitalistic short term mindsets, political systems and perspectives are setting us up for failure. To avoid collapse and to thrive as a species, we need big change — but we are well on the well technologically. The problem I and many others see becomes one of haves and have nots along with misaligned incentives.

The thing is, it is our collective future. And in a sense we all own and control it. Together we decide our path.

The purpose of the blog post is to inspire. For FringeFM to be successful in shifting public perceptions and bringing science back to the forefront, we must both entertain and inform — simple science doesn’t cut it anymore.

How you can help!

If you know a scientist or startup, a philosopher, futurist or thought leader with a uniquely futuristic, far out perspective, we are always looking for great guests for the show.

Unlike TEDTalks and other great formats, our goal is to dig deeper, go further and explore the fringes. Every expert has a niche, but we push beyond even these, exploring related sub-disciplines, converging technologies and unexpected trends to talk about the future in broader and thus more accurate ways.

  1. Subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast or any other Android player today to never miss a thing!
  2. Share FringeFM with a friend
  3. Send your guest recommendations to @itsmattward on Twitter and we’ll work to get the great thinkers and innovators on the show.

The future is more awesome than you think

There are examples everywhere of teams and researchers trying to change the world. The secret is, it takes about the same amount of effort to achieve 10x or even 100x the impact and success — you just have to think a little bit bigger.

Here are some incredible examples of individuals and teams doing just that and radically improving our world for the better in the process. I hope this motivates you as much as it motivates me.

Singularity University’s Pascal Finette on Why VCs Suck at SciFi Tech Investing and Why AI and Synthetic Biology are the Industries of the Future

Growing Meat in a Test Tube to Feed Humanity, Combat Climate Change and Explore Outer Space with Mike Selden of Finless Foods

Creating Artificial Life and 3D Printing Personalized Medicines with Prof Lee Cronin

Commoditizing Complex Satellites, Creating a Renaissance of Space Tech Startups and Combatting Climate Change with Yotam Ariel of Bluefield

Like what you hear? Subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast or any other Android player today to never miss a thing!

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Matt Ward
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Founder @ - building the largest local-to-global ecosystem of climate & sustainability DOERs in 45+ cities to collaboratively move our world forward