Customer Service Reviews are the story!

Reality stories from Customer Service experiences!

Marketing And Growth Hacking
6 min readJul 9, 2017


Customer service will always be important! This is a truth which will never go away. Quality customer service impacts on the performance of a business and its sustainability.

The customer service story is like a reality show in which each business will play a staring role. The person relating the story in this show is your customer. How the story will be narrated and the size of the audience depends on the emotional experience and network of your customer. The success or failure of the show will impact on your business — are you ready to go viral?

Reality roles and business experiences

When visiting a store or restaurant or any commercial operation my role as a customer is important to me. I am not in control of the surroundings, the staff, or the products and services available. My reactions are all I can control. The decisions I make will ultimately be good or bad, but should always be in my favor.

We are vulnerable creatures when it comes to commercial interactions, and extreme points of experiences underscore this.

Recently, I decided to take a step back and become an unofficial ‘mystery shopper or consumer’ whenever I go out or online to spend my ‘hard earned cash’. It has been hilarious at times, but overall it is good to share feedback with others. Here are a few of my recent offline and online customer service experiences !

Who can pass up a SALE

I love shopping when some of my favorite stores have a sale.

I recently visited a store which had a big sale. It was advertised on Facebook and caught my attention. My intention was to spend $400, and left spending more than double that. I am a cautious shopper, but as the attendant was patient and encouraging, I weighed my options and bought most of what I tried on. Its been a year since that inclination to be departed my funds was so strong!

From my own experience I will ensure this lucky store gets business from family friends or myself within a month or a bit longer. Excellent service and products will benefit tenfold from my experience.

Big Customer Service win for J&K Signature Styles — Great attitude and patience increase sales!

You Can ‘Bank’ on them!

Banks are not the most trusted places one can look to for great customer service, in my opinion. However, I had an experience with a new bank, which blew me away! They had comfy seating with big cushions and décor out of a hotel! There was coffee, cocoa, tea, water and a well stocked mini beverage area. I spent over 2 hours but was relaxed while watching the big televisions screens with international news playing for our comfort and distraction! No standing in lines as seating provided for everyone. Yes, they appreciate you and your cash. Big or small, it seems everyone is important to this commercial retail bank!

What they got really right is — understanding the limitations of their own processes and how it may affect customers who have long waiting times. They owned their challenges, and seem to have ‘put’ the customer experience under a radar! They had a lot of persons averaging 30 minutes at the bank for service! I sure had fun using my skills as a marketing business development analyst that day! Everyone left smiling.

Big Customer Service win for JMMB Jamaica Money Market Brokers — in Trinidad, delivering a great customer experience requires the right setting to assist products and services offered!

Nightmare at online street!

I recently started an email newsletter, to connect closer with my network. After planning my first message it was time to find that ‘perfect email service’. This should be easy was my initial thought!

Most folks are online and have email, and I’ve seen a lot of companies offering great packages. Well, it was an experience like nothing I’ve had before. After signing up for a free trial service someone called — a phone number was necessary for sign-up ( never give your number — red flag).

The sales person advised that they had a ‘special’ that day just for me. He then advised why the ‘free trial’ was not really free as promised (2nd red flag), but they had a great offer. I listened. He asked good questions, and did a great pitch. I wanted to think because I was not ready to buy that day, and there were also the red flags to consider. He then moved in for ‘the kill’ and said he recognized my accent and was a ‘Trini’ like me.

I was actually thinking about giving him the sale — the next day when my funds were available. On advising I would buy the next day, he went ballistic. The nice courteous sales guy went psycho, and insisted I buy right away or I was not interested, and wasting his time. I thanked him for calling and hung up ( my good manners upbringing) ! Yes it was a shocker.

Customer Service Fail — The goal should always be to keep tones and respect in check. A negative customer experience can go a very long way. Firstly why undermine your ‘free introductory offer’ ? Secondly, Not everyone is ready to buy when checking out products. A hard sell, and bad attitude= bad experience/ no sale.

Social Media Reviews

I’ve had great customer service experiences from many places in recent times, both online and offline. Amazon wins when it comes to sharing credible information in my opinion. Customers have access to a wide range of service reviews and product feedback online.

When travelling, most customers are now checking reviews before purchasing tickets online. Hotels and guest houses do feel the impact of positive and negative reviews from their customers. Trip Advisor is another great service I will recommend!

In most industries consumers will google for feedback, and this can tip the scales closer to your next sale. Thus, its very important to monitor your online and offline customer service experience and reputation!

Previously, I would hesitate when sharing my thoughts especially if the review was negative. The excuse of ‘maybe they just had a bad day’ or I was ‘too busy to share’ is not good enough. Feedback is the only way customer service will improve, and that’s important for everyone. I’m now a customer feedback advocate!

We live in a world where technology has integrated an online and offline social media experience for decision-making. You can share your thoughts and even product and service videos (evidence) to influence the next sale. Its our responsibility to share information — good or bad. Choose your platform and share your reviews.

Finally, as a consumer you have some power!

  • Reality stories from customer service experiences influence customer decisions.
  • Customer service reviews should not be omitted when selecting goods or service. The feedback can save you time and money!
  • As a consumer let your voice be heard and be an influencer for great customer service!

If this resonates with you, my heart glows when you click, and I need that to grow faster! Please share your thoughts via comments and I will respond. Thank you for being awesome!

About Me: I’m a corporate business veteran, with experience in a diverse range of industries — FMCG/ Safety/ HVAC /Industrial equipment and much more. Sales, Marketing, Business Development and coaching are combined to deliver over 30 years of solutions. As an Entrepreneur and Blogger (Dwordslayer) I’m living an adventure — looking forward to the next opportunity to challenge mediocrity.

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Credits: Images- and free clipart via



Marketing And Growth Hacking

I'm a business development marketing entrepreneur & Dwordslayer — I love different cultures,people and words. My Best brand I own — Me!