Five Ways Your Web Analytics Can Shape Your SEO Marketing Strategy

Amel Mehenaoui
Marketing And Growth Hacking
4 min readDec 3, 2015

There are over a billion websites and most of them use web analytics to track and understand their users. What about your website?

Are you tracking the right data? Are you taking advantage of all the actionable insights from it?

Well, if you want your company to survive online, you have to stand out in this densely packed crowd. Since the primary way that people find new things online is via search engines, you need SEO. However, strong SEO will require more than stuffing your site’s content with a few keywords.

As you know, a strong SEO marketing strategy is a complex endeavor. By allowing yours to be shaped by web analytics, you virtually guarantee SEO success. Here are five ways that web analytics can shape your SEO marketing strategy:

1. Identify Weak Points in Your SEO Marketing Strategy

What are you doing wrong for your SEO? This is something that you should figure out before you start adding new things. Here are a few of the SEO weaknesses that web analytics can identify for you:

• The root cause of a high bounce rate
• Is your website’s speed affecting your search rankings?
• Whether or not your SEO campaign is connecting with mobile device users
• Website crawl errors that can cause search engines to lower your rank
• 404 page errors and page not found links that should be fixed

2. Identify Opportunities in Your SEO Marketing Strategy

Improving the search engine influence of your website will require you to identify where you should be expanding your SEO campaign. Website analytics will be critical for identifying these opportunities. It can, for example, locate and point out critical keywords that you should be using for your SEO strategy.

To make this possible when using Google Analytics is to make sure you link your Google Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tool) to your Google Analytics property.

3. Keep Your SEO Marketing Strategy up to date

With around 3 billion users worldwide (and counting), the Internet is constantly changing. In order for your SEO marketing strategy to remain successful, you need to stay abreast of these changes, so that you can make quick adjustments.

For your SEO marketing strategy to remain successful, you need to stay abreast of these changes Tweet This

If, for example, the popularity of a high volume set of keywords related to your industry decline, you should be able to quickly redirect your focus to another set of keywords. Likewise, you should be able to quickly identify large drops in organic traffic to your website, so that you can find the cause and make adjustments as soon as you can.

Web analytics can quickly identify factors like these, as well as their root cause and how they affect your SEO marketing strategy.

4. Help You Optimize Your SEO Marketing Budget

How much should you be spending on SEO? Blindly dumping marketing dollars into your SEO marketing efforts isn’t the answer to this question. This is because you still have to make investments in other inbound marketing and outbound marketing channels.

With web analytics, you can easily figure this out, based on target audience analysis, competitive analysis, conversion optimization and the potential return of your SEO efforts.

5. Make SEO Automation Possible

A successful SEO campaign will require managing a lot of data. To put this into perspective, Google alone now handles over 3.5 billion Internet searches every single day. Even though your company is only concerned with a fraction of these searches, you are still making critical SEO decisions based on millions and millions of unique user interactions. This is why you use powerful web analytics tools to do what humans can’t.

This has also paved the way for automated SEO tools to make your job easier. Automated solutions, which rely exclusively on analytics data to function, will increase the efficiency and reach of your SEO marketing strategy exponentially.

Successful SEO Requires You to Use All of the Tools at Your Disposal

Website’s analytics are one of the most effective SEO tools available to you. Make sure you use its benefits to shape your SEO efforts. Don’t wait till it’s too late…using data-driven SEO campaigns can increase your website’s traffic thus your online revenue.

Now it’s time for you to take actions.

Where to start, you may ask?

Well, I invite you to watch this free Webinar to learn how you can increase your website revenue using a data driven SEO campaign. You will be able to implement the strategies right away to grow your website’s revenue.

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Amel Mehenaoui
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Digital Marketing & SEO Expert, Digital Publisher,Entrepreneur,Mom,Love: Golf,Biz Books, Horseback Riding,Coffee & Chocolate. Marketing Tips @ http://SEOabout.c