Four tips to a better partnership between sales & marketing.

Adriana Miron
Marketing And Growth Hacking
2 min readJan 22, 2018


Many times we think of sales and marketing as separate entities, when in reality they should always go hand-in-hand. The relationship between them should always be mutually beneficial, as a good marketing plan will increase sales, and so on, good sales will strengthen the marketing budget.

Here are four tips I’ve learned from my experience as a marketing manager:

  • Don’t establish goals that won’t be beneficial to both sides.

A good marketing plan is oriented to optimizing sales, and a good sales plan is oriented to achieving budget goals that will be beneficial to all departments, including marketing. Make sure that your goals are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely).

  • A good partnership takes time.

Like all good things, it takes time to build a budding relationship between the sales and marketing teams. This is why it’s important to set clear goals from the beginning. This will set the tone for future conversations and provide clear guidance for making collaboration better.

  • Marketing pulls the lever, sales does the work. If one fails, they both fail.

This one almost speaks for itself. A disengaged sales team becomes unorganized and a marketing team that isn’t empowering becomes purposeless.

  • Put people first.

By this I don’t mean only the customer. Put your TEAM first. An inspired and well-informed group of people that collaborate effectively is a powerful tool. A famous quote by Richard Branson, founder of Virgin, says:

There you have it! Do you have any tips for a better sales and marketing experience in your company? Let me know in the comments!

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