Are you struggling for ideas about what to post on Instagram this holiday season? Are you seeing extra engagement on your Instagram profile, resulting in the sales that you expect?

Social media has become an integral part of holiday shopping. People are out surfing on Instagram looking for holiday specials, creative gift ideas and inspiration. Did you know that 67 of consumers have purchased a gift they saw on social media?

Instagram is such a great platform for the holidays because it centers around visual content. Do not underestimate the effect that your images can have on your holiday sales.

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Let’s dive in to see how this can work for you:

  1. Update your Instagram Profile

Edit your Instagram profile and give it a little holiday spin. Use Ben & Jerry’s ice cream as an example:

  1. Team Up With a Cause

Giving back is wonderful for both the community and the reputation of your brand. During the holidays, this sentiment is heightened. When you focus on giving to others (furry or otherwise) your customers will take notice of your charitable work and also may want to join in on the goodwill.

Check out Bissell for example:

No matter what cause you choose for your business to work with, this can create a huge opportunity to bring positive attention to your brand. Your users will take notice when you feature and document this important work on your Instagram feed.

  1. Launch a Holiday Inspired Contest

A perfect example of an Instagram contest is none other than Starbucks. Starbucks takes their contests very seriously! Hop over to their page and check it out. Their link in Bio outlines all of the rules of the contest.

They generate a TON of engagement by asking their users to participate in their #redcupcontest. Users will share images of how they celebrate the return of the red cups, and they will include Starbucks hashtag: #redcupcontest. The prize is not only a repost on their Instagram feed (which exposes you to 12.4 million users and counting!!) but also a nice Starbucks gift card. J Considering the price of your favorite Starbucks drink….I’ll take it!

  1. Personalize Your Posts

Instagram is one of the most personal and friendly social media sites. If you use the word “you” in your updates you are further enhancing your personality and connection with your followers. Tie in a holiday themed post and you’re off and running with the holiday spirit.

Check out this post by Kohl’s:

  1. Product Posts

Last but certainly not least, (we all are here to sell our products, right?) show your products on Instagram.

When you do, though, make sure they are displayed in a cool, visually pleasing way that will appeal to your target market. Make them look real and authentic. For the holidays, use your photos to appeal to the holiday spirit and nostalgia in the air this time of year.

Check out these examples by Kay Jewelers and Land’s End.

Kay Jewelers uses the nostalgia of Christmas morning to include a strong call to action to visit their website for Cyber Monday savings:

And Land’s End uses the traditional stockings hung by the fire in their post:

There’s no doubt that the holiday marketing season starts early. However, it’s never too late! Try these 5 ideas in your holiday Instagram strategy to attract attention and increase engagement with your brand.



Anne DiVitto - Getting the Word Out
Marketing And Growth Hacking

📱new owner @wordoutinfluence 👉 pairing local brands with aligned micro influencers to run campaigns and deliver quality UGC.