How I Gained Over 100 Twitter Followers In My Sleep

Craig Kelley
Marketing And Growth Hacking
5 min readJan 27, 2016

…with less than 5 minutes of work

Photo credit: Annie Spratt

originally posted on the Mokumax blog here

Disclaimer: Besides explaining the good vs. evil ways of growth hacking on Twitter I’m going to share the results of initial tests using our new app BlackBox. I’m pretty psyched to show you how it’s working.

Twitter is an untapped market for attracting customers. Generally, but not always, a higher Twitter follower count means more eyes will see your message. It makes sense. More followers = larger audience.

If it is indeed a true statement then why is it so hard to get customers from Twitter?

I’m a broken record when it comes to follower counts and what is good and bad marketing on Twitter. I have tried dozens of methods while developing Mokumax, writing my eBook and most recently developing BlackBox. I know what works best and what is most effective.

If you want to get Twitter followers do NOT do this:

  1. Follow a bunch of random people
  2. Post the same message over and over again. Twitter tries pretty hard to not allow a duplicate post which is a good thing!
  3. Only post a link to your website or your advertisement. Do you like random people stopping by, ringing your doorbell and selling you stuff?
  4. Be unresponsive to existing or potential customers. This is the age of instant gratification and people have become accustomed to it. You don’t have to be at everyone’s beckon call but responding within a reasonable timeframe is a must.
  5. Buy Twitter followers. It’s a waste of money and no follower you bought will ever become a customer for you.
  6. Your tone is always negative. You look like a complainer. Nobody likes whiners.

On the other hand there are quite a few time consuming things you can do to attract more Twitter followers.

How to increase your Twitter follower count:

  1. Follow people that interest you and are most likely to interact and follow you back.
  2. Interact with targeted Twitter users. Like their posts, retweet, and comment.
  3. Tweet 10–20 times per day. A tweet is like life — a mist. It’s here and gone.
  4. Tweet quotes. People LOVE quotes. They’ll like, retweet and share quotes in a heartbeat.
  5. Share useful information 90% of the time. This assumes you have a business and you’re trying to get quality followers that will turn into customers.
  6. Keep a positive tone and be kind.

If you do it the right OR wrong way it takes a lot of time and work. Burnout is easy. You will fail unless you have help.

BlackBox is the cure to my lack of endurance.

I’m not lazy but there are definitely things I would rather do with my time besides hanging out on Twitter all day. Now that I have a small team at Mokumax we have been able to push changes and add new features faster.

Testing out BlackBox

I couldn’t wait for the new release and as soon as we published it I signed up with one of my Twitter accounts.

Setting up BlackBox Account

Then I added my Twitter account to BlackBox. The wizard is simple. I’ll walk you through part of it.

The first and second steps are basically getting you authenticated using Twitter. The next step is configuring your account. Again, it’s simple.

Since I write and record instrumental rock guitar songs I chose Steve Vai as the Twitter user I want to “copy”. For those of you who have never heard of the guitarist Steve Vai (Frank Zappa, David Lee Roth, Whitesnake, etc), he’s a living legend among guitar fans. So, grabbing a bit of his following will definitely help with targeted sales of my new CD.

Target User

Basically, BlackBox will analyze this account (@stevevai) and start targeting his users. The goal is to get as many of his followers to follow my account as possible.


I added some keywords which is optional but a good idea. BlackBox will monitor Twitter and automatically “like” tweets that have my keywords in them.

Auto Tweet Packs

This is the first live tweet pack that we released. By checking this BlackBox will auto tweet the Inspirational Quotes tweet pack at random intervals throughout the day. People love retweeting and liking quotes!

On our Mokumax Grader you can see the best time to tweet for your user account. This feature is coming in BlackBox too. It will improve the timing of our Tweet Packs.

I spent less than 5 minutes setting the account up and forgot about it.

My results so far:

5 Minutes = 100+ New Twitter Followers

Doing a quick check on my Mokumax Grade it looks like I have received a lot of Twitter likes and interaction. My Mokumax Grade has gone up by over 25 in the last week and from a big fat ZERO to 65 since January 1st. The only thing that I did was set up my account on BlackBox. It’s working!


If you run a startup or small business you don’t have time to sit on Twitter all day. You probably don’t even want to. I’m right there with you! Believe me I tried to do it all before. It lasted a good 3 months.

Save yourself time and aggravation. Give BlackBox a try and watch your account take off.

If you like what you read be sure to recommend it by clicking the ❤ button below, and subscribe here to get first access to updates on our progress.

PS. I am also writing on Medium for the Marketing & Growth Hacking publication. Be sure to follow it for lessons on growing your business with no money.

Thanks for reading!



Craig Kelley
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Helping businesses, products, and websites get more customers with Mokumax | Musician at heart —