How I got 18K+ reach with only 3K Connections on LinkedIn

Ahaan Pandit
Marketing And Growth Hacking
4 min readJul 24, 2018
Credits to Canva for the image!

For anyone who knows me, I’m very active on LinkedIn. I share a lot of the things that I do professionally over there.

I don’t easily accept new connections because that I think you need to have only relevant connection to actually help you grow professionally. This puts me in a dilemma since with less connection you tend to have less reach as well.

This guide would help you reach out to more people without blindly adding people to your network.

Currently, I’m growth hacking my way to build an online community of Digital Marketers and Growth Hackers on Slack( More on this later):


I didn’t know many marketers. Most of my connections on LinkedIn are HRs cause I help people get jobs.

I wanted to move away from that persona of mine.

I put out this post on LinkedIn:

The post in question

These are the post statistics:

18k+ reach with 3k connections?
247 comments? Get out of here!

Even I was quite surprised with this.

I had 3.4k connections a month back.

Here is how you can do it as well:

  1. Engage with every comment
    Every comment that you put keeps the content fresh and on top of the news feed. They more you reply, the fresher your content will be.
  2. Tag Relevant People
    Tag people who are relevant to your content. For the above post, I tagged known community builders and this post was shown to their connections.
  3. Time your comments
    Reply to only 2–3 comments in an hour. This will keep your post on top at all times.
  4. Write with more emotional touch
    People love to hear stories on LinkedIn for motivation. Feed them that!
  5. Write in a wave Format
    Writing in a wave format gives your content grip and appropriate cliffhangers for your audience to get excited and engage with the post.
  6. Start with a Statement
    This is basically called the Hook. You start off with a statement like, “ I gave up”,”She couldn’t believe it” or something on the similar lines to get the attention of your target audience.
  7. Use Hashtags
    Use relevant hashtags so that relevant people engage with your post. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

I tried it out again, just to see if the above hack works.


This post has started to gain traction now.
All this in just a week

The only con of having a less connections is your posts will take time to gain traction. But that is okay since your post will be seen by only those who actually matter. But the pro is that you start connecting with more relevant people and the reach keeps increasing with every good content that you create or share.

My experiments with social media continues post this. Right now, I’m working on Instagram and trying to build audience for my clients. If that goes as planned you might seen another guide for that. Organic is the way to go!

As mentioned above I’m building a community of digital marketers and growth hackers. If you are interested, fill this form: Wroof

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