How Industrial IoT is Transforming Industries

Digital Vijay
Marketing And Growth Hacking
4 min readJan 31, 2019
Credit: IOTSense

Internet of Things (IoT) emergence assures a well-integrated & efficient connection to the Internet. Industrial IoT Platform uses common objects around us & transforms them into functionally linked devices with the Internet. The paradigm shift in terms of IoT has brought radical revolution in the manner in which people are dealing with objects in their vicinity. It paves the path for making pervasively linked infrastructures to sustain inventive services and guarantees better flexibility and competence.

Opportunities for IoT in Industry Domain

Connected Factories- Industrial IoT enabled machinery can transmit operational data to the partners like original equipment manufacturers and field engineers. This will facilitate operation managers and factory heads to distantly administer the factory units and take advantage of process automation and optimization. Alongside this, a digitally connected unit will set up a better line of commands and assist in identifying key result areas (KRAs) for managers.

Facility Administration- The utilization of IoT sensors in manufacturing equipment permits condition-based maintenance notifications. Many vital machine tools are designed to function within definite temperature and pulsation ranges. IoT Sensors can dynamically observe machines and send a notification when the equipment diverges from its agreed parameters. By making sure the prescribed working surroundings for machinery, manufacturers can preserve energy, decrease costs, and purge machine downtime and boost operational competence.

Security Aspect- IoT in combination with data assessment can improvise the overall workers’ protection and safety inside the plant. By scrutinizing the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of wellbeing and safety, like the number of injuries and sickness rates, near misses, vehicle-related events and property damage during the day-to-day operations. Hence, efficient monitoring makes sure superior safety.


Implementation of the Industrial IoT Platform is not a smooth ride. The most challenging part is visualizing the future & designing the industrial IoT solution accordingly. Some of the critical challenges in Industrial IoT Platform realization are as mentioned below:

Ø High Investment Expenditures: Movement in an upward direction in the technological maturity curve can be an expensive affair. The grand vision may appear lucrative; however, the associated cost may prevent the management from giving concurrence.

Ø Safety: Allowing data movement using the Internet can give nightmare to the companies. Especially when the terror of hacking is a reality in today’s time. Hence, posting critical data on an open platform may prevent firms from adopting the Industrial IoT Platform.

Ø Infrastructural Constraints: In certain segments building adequate infrastructure to support wholesome Industrial IoT Solution may prove to be an impractical approach. Like, usage of the cellular gateway to operate IoT device may sound exciting, but a user may fail to connect with sound reception at some remote places.

A scalable Industrial IoT Solution helps to overcome these challenges and allows for more efficient processes to improve productivity & growth.

Contemporary Use of Industrial IoT Platform

Science Fiction has been a significant influence on the evolution of modern day technology. Virtual reality advancements are breaking the glass ceiling every day with newer innovations.

One of the most talked about modern-day use of Industrial IoT Solution is the ambitious Project Soli by Google. This innovation can transform the IoT industry, providing simplicity of use and additional functionality to gadgets. IoT devices are additionally integrating themselves into our lives, and the periphery between gadgets and people has been brought down, to the extent that smart-watches and phones are fundamentally becoming extensions of our selves.

The technology in Project Soli has been using radar to facilitate new types of touch-less interactions. Here the human hand becomes a natural, instinctive interface for our devices. This sensor placed in Soli can track sub-millimetre movements at high speed and accurateness. This sensor can fit inside a chip, as well as can be produced at scale. The best part is this can be used inside even small wearable devices.

In recent past, we have been witnessing the Industrial IoT Solution archetype crafting its way into the industrial marketplace with purposely-designed solutions. The highlighted opportunities brought in by this inventive approach and also the challenges for its realization are of equal significance. The industry needs to focus on the challenges associated with the want of energy efficiency, real-time performance, coexistence, interoperability, along with security and privacy. The state of art research efforts resulting in a venture like Project Soli certainly provides a concrete direction to solve challenges related to Industrial IoT.

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Digital Vijay
Marketing And Growth Hacking

A storyteller who wants to help people become victorious online.