How to Achieve Unbelievable Results on LinkedIn — picking the Brains of the Top LinkedIn Influencers

Hephzy Asaolu
Marketing And Growth Hacking
6 min readOct 25, 2017

Exciting things are happening on LinkedIn. Users are experiencing a tremendous increase in views, shares, comments, number of followers and connections. Status posts are getting more engaging, educative and interactive.

I am excited!

These lead me to carry out some research on members who are already getting results. Not only that, I also curated their strategies, so that you can replicate it and even surpass it.

Let’s get started.

  1. Josh Fechter

Josh is the Co-founder of the BAMF Media

He carried out an experiment on his LinkedIn status posts from May 2017 — August 2017. Below are the results:

He started with — 1,500 LinkedIn followers as at May 2017

It increased to 26,000 followers by August 2017

He had over 25 million views on his content.

As at today October 23, 2017, he has 37,336 followers

Below are some of his strategies:

1. Optimize your profile

2. Auto-connect to thousands of prospects at scale

3. Publish viral LinkedIn posts every week

4. Use engagement posts to drive subscribers

5. Use appreciation posts to develop key relationships

6. Prep your status using Quora

7. Retarget LinkedIn connections on Facebook

8. Interview high-value prospects at scale

9. Turn your LinkedIn connections into a vibrant tribe

10. Encourage them to subscribe on messenger

You can read more from one of his content titled “How I reached over 25 million views in 4 months”.

2. Andy Foster

Andy Foster is a headshot Photographer based in Stockholm.

Andy Foster started in May 2017 with less than 500 contacts. Today (six months later) he has over 10,862 followers.

His strategies include:


1. Writing about things that were relevant and current

2. No pictures, no links, no videos, just text

3. Writing about personal things

4. Engagement with commenters, etc

Below is a sample of his post:

For more of his strategies, read his article titled “My LinkedIn Journey so far and criteria

3. Dave schools

Dave schools is the Editor of Entrepreneur’s Handbook and a Columnist at Inc.

Dave wrote a post that generated 1.8 million views.

He went from 1,300 connections to 2,969

His LinkedIn followers increase from 1,000+ to 5,154 followers

Check out the post below:

Below are his strategies:


1. Start your status update with shocking vulnerability

2. Present practical takeaways

3. End with a thought-provoking question and a challenge

You can read more from his content “The formula behind 1.8 million views of a viral LinkedIn post

4. Ben Rea

Ben Rea is the Founder of Quadfecta.

He conducted an experiment on his status update within 51 days.

Below are his results:

He published a total of 61 posts in 51 days.

He received 1.8m post views, 7,895 likes, 1,932 comments and got 1,400 connections

Below are his strategies:


1. He was consistently posting daily for 51 days

2. He engaged daily. He wrote 36 comments per day. i.e. 1,812 comments in 51 days

3. He started his own hashtag initiative #infocus

4. He helped and connected with thousands of users

5. He built a community of selfless individuals

You can read more from his article titled “What you can accomplish on LinkedIn in 51 days

6. Tim Queen

Tim is a LinkedIn influencer and a Social Selling Expert.

He published 37 posts, 6 articles, 2 videos and 1 photo in 67 days. Below are his results:

His network grew to 1,918 connections. His followers increased to 5,854. He received 1,821,241 views on his content. He received 8,762 likes, 1,862 comments and 1,447 shares.

Below are his strategies:


1. Post daily

2. Focus on quality. Quality beats quantity

3. No links or images

4. Use empty lines, simple grammar, short sentences, emojis and hashtags

Below are the rest of his strategies:

7. Josh Steimle

Josh is an Agency CEO and an Influence Coach for Executives

He published a post and got 40,000 views and also generated leads for his marketing agency. This month alone (October 2017), he got over 500,000 views.

Check out the post below:

Below is his strategy:


Post a business or professional story:

You can read more about his strategy in his article titled: How to get 500,000 views on your next LinkedIn post”.

7. Gretta Van Riel

Gretta Van Riel is a Startup founder.

Gretta has had several posts that received 100–500k views

Below are her strategies:


1. Create a compelling hook

2. Get them to click see more…

3. Add value

You can read the remaining of her LinkedIn Viral post checklist below:

8. Michaela Alexis

Michaela is a Content creator and Social Media Marketing expert.

She created a post that has been viewed for over 100,000 times, with 5,239 likes, 1,025 comments, and 1,048 shares.

Here is the post below:

Below are her strategies:


1. She used emotions in her content

2. The content provided value that others can replicate

3. She used stories

You can read the rest in her article titled “My story was read by over 100,000 people on LinkedIn: Here’s how I created my viral post!

9. Hephzy Tope Asaolu

Hephzy is a Content Marketing Writer.

This is yours truly.

My level of success is small compared to the giants above, but it means a lot to me.

I wrote a post that received 10,314+ views in the first 24 hours. Below is the post:

My strategies:

I simply followed the strategies of Josh Fetcher and I got results.

Now the first thing you need to do is to follow the people above. Read their posts and replicate their successes. LinkedIn is growing and it will keep getting better and better. Now is the time for you to start building your brand by building relationships with your prospects.

If you or anyone you know have achieved a similar feat to the above-mentioned success stories, please mention them in the comment section below.

I am going to be compiling the second part soon.

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Hephzy Asaolu
Marketing And Growth Hacking

I am a professional content writer and blogger for b2b businesses/ companies. I create inspiring and engaging content.