How to Film Great Video on Your Phone.

Paul Henderson
Marketing And Growth Hacking


Filming video with smartphones is now the norm on social media. The quality of video on modern smartphones is equivalent to, or sometimes better than, an expensive camcorder. And of course, your phone fits in your pocket.

So here are 5 simple tips to help you make better videos on your smartphone:

  1. Set Up. Clean the lens. Set the phone to airplane mode. Set the video resolution to 4K or 1080 HD to get the best video quality and set your frame rate- frames per second- to 30 fps or 60 fps for action video. If you´re planning on shooting and storing a lot of videos, buy an SD Card with at least 64 GB of storage.
  2. Landscape or Portrait? More than 60% of videos are now watched on smartphones and tablets and an incredible 94% of us interact with our phones vertically. Additionally, on a phone, a `portrait´- vertical- video takes up more of the screen. However, on YouTube, most people still watch a video in landscape mode.
  3. Shaking Hands. To avoid shaky video shots, always hold the camera with two hands taking care not to cover the internal mic. If you’re going to be filming on a smartphone on a regular basis or for business, then getting a tripod is an inexpensive and worthwhile investment.
  1. Sound & Vision. Where possible record in a location where there is as much light as possible, however, don’t film subjects with the sun behind them. Don’t use the zoom. Instead, tap on the screen to lock focus on the subject on Android devices, or holding your finger in place, which locks focus on the iPhone.
  2. Film a Lot. As Andy Warhol said, `Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.´

The beauty of smartphone filming is the ability to capture video instantly with no need for expensive equipment and to share it straight from your device to social media. So get filming and sharing.

About the author: Paul Henderson has developed content strategies for companies like Bloomberg and Microsoft. He produces and markets [social travel videos…] that had over 2 million- mainly organic- engagements in 2018.

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Paul Henderson
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Content Strategist. Worked on projects for Bloomberg, Microsoft & Local Gov't. Bootstrapped a travel site & remote worked from Central America for 10 yrs.