How to Optimize Your Sales Tactics — 5 Featured Stories

Meg Hogan
Marketing And Growth Hacking
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3 min readMay 31, 2018
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Between the state of global politics being a hot mess, and all the market speculation that comes with it, you may not be on track to hit your business goals of the year.

The good news is, while you can’t control the economy, you can control your marketing and sales efforts.

Whether you’re looking to boost sales, leads or awareness, the experts who write for the Mark Growth publication are pumping out some amazing articles ranging from conceptual advice to step-by-step lists for optimizing your sales tactics.

First up is Sebastian Legarraga with How to attract big clients by developing an awesome brand story. In this article, Sebastian offers advice for forming and growing an exceptional brand that your target audience wants to work with.

Learn how to build a kick-ass brand here.

Want to write for us? Request to contribute here.

Mark Growth Featured Stories

Check out these Mark Growth articles to learn about optimizing sales tactics at all stages of your funnel.

The Sales funnel series — No3. User Retention

Many marketers and business owners spend so much time getting customers in the door that we forget to engage them once they’re there. Mark Growth writer Despina Exadaktylou explains how you can retain users and customers.

Get user retention advice here.

Facebook Ads Automation Guide: How to Scale and Optimize Your Ads Using Automated Rules

If you’re running Facebook ads and you’re not automating for optimization, you’re missing out on some big opportunities to learn about your audience. Contributor Reveal bot explains in-depth how you can improve your lead generation results.

Learn all about Facebook ad automation here.

How to turn your Shopify Store into a Chatbot in 5 Minutes

Chatbots can boost your sales and patch up a leaky sales funnel. Stefan Kojouharov tells you how to make a bot.

Find out if your business could benefit from a chatbot.

Inbound Marketing Methodology Will Make You a Hiring Beast

You can use the same inbound marketing plan to both attract talent and increase awareness for your business. Ghukas Stepanyan explains how the connections you make during the hiring process can turn into business leads.

Get his inbound marketing advice here.

6 Important KPIs of Influencer Marketing That You Should Know

Anyone with an Instagram account knows that influencer marketing is the latest marketing tactic that businesses big and small have decided to try. But does it work? Contributor Shane Barker explores the metrics to measure — including sales — to understand if an influencer partner is actually helping your business.

Learn more about influencer KPIs here.

Mark Growth Author of the Week

Arnt Eriksen

Arnt Eriksen the Creative Director, Global Speaker and Writer with marketing@heart and he helps people succeed by simplifying the complexity of marketing. You can follow him on Medium here.

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Meg Hogan
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Marketing strategist. Temple alumna. Katz MBA. Currently in pharma.