How To Pick Good Hashtags

Randalyn Hill
Marketing And Growth Hacking
3 min readMay 22, 2018

Last time we talked about hashtags. Why you should be using them, how many you should be using, and what makes a good hashtag. Here are my tips to master the hashtag game.

1) Get Specific

The goal of hashtags is to make you a big fish in a small pond. By using hashtags related to the content you post, people can find exactly what they are looking for. Choose to avoid popular hashtags this will allow your content to be seen before it’s washed out.

If you can find hashtags in your niche it will help people discover you. Explore hashtags specific to your content, for example, I shoot portraits so I use hashtags like #newcastleportraits #newcastlephotographer. These hashtags direct my content towards people in my area.

2) Start A Brand Hashtag

Nothing screams unity more than a brand-specific hashtag. Create a hashtag that draws people to your brand.

We are all familiar with #likeagirl, #putacanonit #shareacoke, these hashtags created a space for interaction. They also promoted and advertised products for the company!

3) Find Your Perfect Number

While Instagram permits 30 hashtags, less can be more. Dedicate time to the process of finding your number. Some major companies are using a mere 7 hashtags, while small business fit somewhere in the teens to low 20s. Don’t be afraid to experiment! Check out the hashtags other people in your niche are using. Maybe they are onto something!

When searching for hashtags, search for hashtags that meet two characteristics. 1 — other people are using them. 2- there isn’t a steady stream of content being tagged to them.

4) If It Works, Don’t Break It!

Make time to track your hashtags. When you find a hashtag or a set of hashtags that promote engagement and interaction, stick with it!

If you regularly post from your smartphone, take a few minutes to create a keyboard shortcut. With a simple word like “BASIC”, your phone will do all the work. Suddenly hashtags are a breeze when you don’t have to rack your mind everytime you go to post something!

Hashtags are an ever changing art. The best part is that it gives you lots of time to find a style that works for you!

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