Marketing How Tos: The Checklist Edition — 5 Featured Stories

Meg Hogan
Marketing And Growth Hacking
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3 min readJun 15, 2018
Photo by Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash

If you’re a digital marketer, it’s part of your job to continue learning every. single. day.

There’s just no option.

Each channel, each tactic brings about its own complexities. You either learn how it works or blow through your advertising budget — and your time budget — very quickly with little in return.

This week’s Mark Growth newsletter highlights a few how-to guides that offer in-depth advice for optimizing your marketing so you’re not that person who has a tragic ROI for your ad campaigns.

First up is The Content-Production Checklist. In this article Tim Rettig gives you a content gut check. It’s a great way to keep your creativity centered on serving your customer and target audience.

Check out the checklist here.

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Mark Growth Featured Stories

Mark Growth is packed with marketing and growth hacking advice. Check out these articles that explain how to improve your Facebook ads, your website and even your email drip campaigns.

9 Step Guide to Creating a Facebook Ads Funnel

There are lots of social media gurus out there who make it seem like Facebook ads are super easy and a one-and-done secret to business success. Then there’s Shane Barker, who gives you in-depth, real advice on nurturing your sales leads to the bottom of your funnel. It can be a long, time-consuming process, but you can figure it out and automate it.

Learn how here.

Drip Campaigns Made Simple: A Step by Step Guide

If your email drip campaigns have less-than-stellar conversion, Monique Danaod is here to help. In this article she offers detailed advice, plus examples, of drip campaign best practices and how to optimize your emails.

Learn how to create drip campaigns that drive conversions.

6 key elements your content needs to rank high on Google and other search engines

Are you pumping out content stuffed with keywords and still not seeing your website on page 1 of Google search results? It’s time to change your approach. Sebastian Legarraga explains 6 key elements your content needs so that it doesn’t get ignored by search engine bots.

Find out what those elements are here.

Website Spring Cleaning

You can’t just launch your website and never update it again. It’s a living, breathing representation of your business and your brand. Avery Phillips outlines a few check-ups you should be making on your website on a yearly basis — at least.

Spring clean your website here.

6 Facts About Google Analytics That Will Impress Your Boss

Google Analytics can be a wildly powerful tool in understanding your audience and your website’s performance — if you know how to use it. Sharmin Hossain highlights key metrics you should be tracking and how they can help you understand your customers.

Learn the basics of Google Analytics here.

Mark Growth Author of the Week

Sebastian Legarraga

Sebastian is a founder, growth marketer and prolific contributor to the Mark Growth publication. You can follow him on Medium here.

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Meg Hogan
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Marketing strategist. Temple alumna. Katz MBA. Currently in pharma.